MATSUDA, Masahiko
Programs and Languages
- japanese|english|
- japanese|english|
Agriculture and Rural Development, Area Studies (Southeast Asia, Myanmar)
Research Topic
I am interested in agriculture and rural development. Main research sites are in Southeast Asia, especially in Myanmar. I study dynamics of human-nature interaction under recent changes of social and natural environments, and I try to contribute toward sustainable agriculture and appropriate development for local people.
Message for Applicants
I try to support graduate students to achieve their challenges in research as possible. And, I hope they devote themselves to research in 2 (or more) years. In an Advanced Seminar, a weekly seminar, we discuss topics related to research theme of each student.
Advised Master’s Thesis (Last 5 years)
- Japan - Myanmar Economic Relations:
A Case Study on Thilawa Special Economic Zone in Myanmar - Japan's Policy toward Myanmar(1988-2017):
Catching up on the “lost decades” or opening “new era” - Impact of migration on socio-economy in rural area of Myanmar
- China-Myanmar Political and Economic Relations since 2011
- Balancing economic development and environmental degradation in Wetlands: A case study in Inle lake, Myanmar
- Japan Security Initiative towards the Southeast Asia Region: Maritime Security Cooperation
- The ASEAN Economic Community and Myanmar: Turning Current Challenges with AEC 2015 into Future Prospects for AEC 2025
- Myanmar-Japan Relations during the Military Government (1988~2010) and the Civilian Government (2010~2015)
- Foreign Aid Management in Myanmar: Comparative Study between Myanmar and Selected ASEAN Countries
- Myanmar Government Efforts to Combat Human Trafficking in Domestic and Regional Levels
- 社会保障制度と家族・親族からみる東南アジア諸国の福祉
- 日本における資本主義経済下での有機農業の展開 ―中山間地域・島根県を事例とした分析―
- Village-Owned Enterprise (VOE) as Community Enterprise in Indonesia (Case Study of VOE Tirta Mandiri, Ponggok Village, Indonesia)
- 歴史的建造物の保存・再⽣に伴う経済的価値の創出に関する⽇本・台湾の国際⽐較研究 −京都市中⼼部における京町家改修再⽣事業の例を中⼼に−
- Stagnation of Myanmar Peace Process and Prospects for the Way Forward
- Myanmar’s balancing act toward China during democratic transition
- Development of Microfinance and Its impact on Rural Household in Myanmar
- Community-Based Ecotourism Development in Laos: A case study of Success and Challenges in Houaphanh Province.
- Security Threats in Myanmar – Bangladesh Border Area
- Understanding Germany’s Suspension of Development Cooperation with Myanmar in 2020
- Occurrence of migration, agriculture feminization, and their impacts on rural livelihood in Bhutan
- Myanmar-India Bilateral Relations: Finding the major causes of delay of India’s Connectivity projects in Myanmar
- Exploring the Stalled Repatriation Issue of the Displaced Myanmar Residents in Bangladesh
- Overseas education of Cambodian students: A look at history, current development, and impacts
- Ecotourism Sector in Lao PDR: A Look at the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats among Stakeholders for a Better Development
- Tourism Development Policies and Strategies in Bagan, UNESCO World Heritage Site of Myanmar: Lessons Learned From Kyoto, Japan Regarding Visitor Management
Advised Doctoral Dissertations
- バングラデシュにおける飲料水問題と開発援助 ―資源に対する介入者と地域の視点―