ITAKI, Masahiko

Programs and Languages

  • japanese|english|


International Economy, International Surplus Capital

Research Topic

Based on my own concept “international surplus capital” which includes bank loan, bond investment, and stock investment, I have conducted a research on historical development of the world economy. I recently have a strong interest in the global financial crisis ignited by the subprime mortgage loan. Dialectics as a basic methodology of social sciences is also my research topic for a long time.

Message for Applicants

When I was an undergraduate student in economics, I organized with my friends a study group for reading so-called “classics” of economics and social sciences. I successfully acquired the ability of reading and understanding tough literatures in my specialty. Applied research could be based only on a basic and painstaking training of this kind. I hope that you would have such an experience in your undergraduate years if you want to study in a graduate school.

Advised Master’s Thesis (Last 5 years)

  • Reasons and Resolutions of Sino-US Trade Friction
    ---A Comparative Study of US-Japanese and US-Chinese Trade Frictions
  • 我が国におけるLCC
  • Research on China's Capital Surplus Problem and Countermeasures from the Perspective of Capital Circulation
  • A Study on the Cambodian Rice Sector:The Implications of the EU’s Imposed Tariffs on Cambodian Rice 
  •  An inquiry into the development path of China's pilot Free Trade Zone Using the Shanghai pilot Free Trade Zone as main example

Advised Doctoral Dissertations

  • 国際ネットワーク寡占体制の構造と動態-アメリカ主導の国際航空自由化の現段階-
  • 1920年代アメリカの資本輸出 - 独占利潤のマネーフローと利益集団の海外進出 -
  • 多国籍企業の財務的側面に関する考察-企業内貿易を通じた利益操作、優遇税制の活用、クロスボーダーM&Aによる資本結合-
  • The New Political Economy of Agricultural Development and Food Security in sub-Saharan Africa (サブサハラ・アフリカにおける農業開発と食糧安全保障の新政治経済学)
  • The Effect of Communication Technology and Innovation on Economic Growth in ASEAN5+3 Countries (通信技術とイノベーションがASEAN5+3諸国の経済成長に与える影響)