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Transnational Sociology, Studies on International Migration and Gender, Philippine Studies

Research Topic

I have been studying Filipino people migrating overseas through research activities in the Philippines, South Korea, and Canada. Individually, I have examined various issues faced by Filipino migrants abroad and their transnational relationships with their families left behind at home. From a perspective of Filipino migrants, I aim at redefining the phenomena of global migration and social institutions that many migrant-receiving countries nowadays pay attention to accommodate their interests.

Whenever I interview Filipino migrants, I encounter new stories that challenge the values and common sense I have ever held. The voice of an individual interviewee involves rich insights that existing theories do not ever mention. It is the most rewarding and exciting moment when I can gain a new field of view by recognizing how individual stories intersect with broader social issues.

Advised Master’s Thesis (Last 5 years)

  • The Pandemic of Prejudice: Understanding Yellow Fever Through East Asian Women’s Narratives
  • 中国帰国者2 世のエスニック・アイデンティティの変容―トランスナショナルな生活経験を中心に― 
  • 在⽇ベトナム⾼度専⾨⼈材の定住・帰国要因―受⼊国、送出国、当事者の事情に注⽬してー
  • The Necessity of Legal Marriage for Japanese Homosexual Couples: Analysis of Their Voices from an Emotional and Social Point of View 
  • 在日国際結婚女性のエージェンシー:中国人女性の子どもへの言語教育実践から