SONODA, Setsuko

Programs and Languages

  • japanese|english|
  • japanese|english|


History, Area Studie, Overseas Chinese Studies, Modern Chinese History

Research Topic

My research interests are in the transnationalism of the Chinese in the Americas from the middle of the nineteenth century to the present, for example, the Chinese immigrants’ individual lives and the official interests of the Chinese government toward overseas Chinese. These are important factors which helped to create the transnational societies of modern immigrants. To analyze such characteristics of immigrant societies that emerged in the second half of the nineteenth century, I have also studied about China’s domestic politics and society from historical perspectives.

The study of the transnationalism of overseas Chinese in the Americas provides us with new perspectives. For example, considering Asian immigrants and their descendants outside of Asia in a broader global setting gives us clues to understand our contemporary world. It also brings our attention to the historical fact that the presence of Chinese in the Americas has affected the concept of race and the nation-state. We sometimes learn about China by studying Chinese who are living outside their home country, too.

Message for Applicants

We have witnessed great social changes recently in East Asia. For instance, while developing its political, economic and social presence globally, China has become severely authoritarian in its domestic politics. To understand these changes, I encourage you to extend your interests on East Asia and even beyond and to conduct research globally.

Advised Master’s Thesis (Last 5 years)

  • 中国における「新老人」像の批判的考察:公的メディアならびにSNS 発信の分析を通して  
  • 自分探しの旅を始める  —  個人化から見た「中国大媽」の生の経路