
Application Form

If you are interested in Mirai Seminar, please use this application form to apply. You can start your application even if you have no group members yet! You do not have to fill out each section perfectly when applying.

Application Form

Online Consultation

Consultations regarding the application process are also possible. If you are unsure about applying, please feel free to contact the Liberal Arts Center Administrative Office at

Steps to Get a Mirai Seminar Started

Have you ever heard of the phrase “community organizing”?

According to Kanoko Kamata whose book, “Community Organizing: Five Steps to Create the Future We Want,”(コミュニティ・オーガナイジング――ほしい未来をみんなで創る5つのステップ) popularized this term in Japan, “Community organizing is about gathering like-minded individuals, expanding this circle, and creating social change through the actions of many people working together.”

Mirai Seminar will incorporate this community organizing method and approach to revitalize the learning community.

Five Steps to Learning
“Community Organizing”

Reference: Community Organizing Japan website

1. Public Narrative
Name the topics you feel “frustrated” about/want to learn more about
2. Relationship Building
Find and connect with those you will learn with
3. Team Building
Start your Mirai Seminar
4. Startegy Making
Build a plan for your seminar
5. Action
Summarize what you have learnt and disseminate it throughout society!

Search for Issues you Feel Frustrated About or Something You Want to Learn About (Reference Websites)

If you are having trouble coming up with a topic you would like to learn about, take a look at the following sites. You may be able to gain information on a topic that interests you or a professor that you would like to have as a mentor.