Career Planning and Placement Support/ Acquisition of Various Qualifications/ Graduate School

  • Career Planning and Placement Support

    Consider Future Careers, Start Job-Seeking Activities, Business/Industry Research, Alumni Visit、How to write resume and entry sheet、Events held on the campus relevant to Job Placement

  • Career Education Courses

    Introduction and Application Guideline of Career Education Courses

  • Support for the Success in Higher Level Tests/Acquisition of Various Qualifications

    Information regarding various courses to further strengthen student’s knowledge such as Civil Servant Examinations, Certified Public Accountant Examinations, and Bar Examinations Official Business Skill Test in Bookkeeping, PC-related Skills Test, Real Estate Transaction Test, and Financial Planner Test, etc.

  • Advancement of the Graduate School

    Graduate Schools Admission Guidance Fair and other events

  • Graduate Student Career Path Support Programs

    Information on seminars and programs offered by the Graduate School Career Path Promotion Office, is posted. The seminars are conducted to deepen the understanding of basic knowledge and current conditions necessary for improving general-purpose skills and forming career paths required in society. Also, the information on the restart post-doctoral research fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science can be found.