What is a TF, TA, ES, and Orientation Coordinator?
Undergraduate Schools
ES (Education Supporter)
ES (Education Supporter) refers to undergraduate students who support instructors and other students in class.They play a role to create more effective learning effects by supporting both instructors and students such as by responding to questions from students or helping with the creation of teaching materials so that classes go smoothly.
If you would like to work as an ES, please read the following documents beforehand.
ES Guidelines
ES Application Guidelines
Work Regulations for Hourly Non-Teaching Staff
Regulations Concerning Salaries of Hourly Non₋Teaching Staff
Once your employment as an ES is confirmed, you will be automatically registered in the "ES Work Support (for ES)" course in manaba+R. In this course, you will receive information on ES training, how to submit work reports, and other information important to ES operations, so please be sure to check this course regularly.
Orientation Coordinator
Orientation Coordinator refers to a group composed of second year students or higher, providing support in various aspects so that new students’ concerns about college life will be eliminated.
*For the College of Policy Science, the Student Council and the Student Affairs Committee take on this role instead.
For inquiries
Kinugasa: Administrative office of each college
BKC: Administrative office of each college
OIC: Manabi Station (Building A 1F AC Administrative office)
Graduate Schools
TA (Teaching Assistant)
TA is a graduate student who assists in the classes and educational activities at Ritsumeikan University.
The TA System aims to encourage graduate students to contribute to the educational improvement of Ritsumeikan University by offering educational assistance and support together with faculties. Also, we expect that graduate students have the opportunity to enhance their academic abilities through this experience and utilize the experience when creating their own career paths. In fact, the results of surveys conducted at classes show that communicating with TAs within classes help students to have better understanding of the class subjects. These results prove that the TAs are taking an important role in education and learning at our university.
The salary of the TA is \3,000 per class period (a class is 90 min.). This salary also includes duties directly before/after the class period (30 min.).
Recruitment of TAs are conducted at each college, graduate school or academic affairs department which employs TAs. For details (application method, procedures, subjects available etc.), please check bulletin boards or website of each office.
If you would like to work as a TA, please read the following documents in advance.
TA Guidelines
Work Regulations for Hourly Non-Teaching Staff
Regulations Concerning Salaries of Hourly Non₋Teaching Staff
Once your employment as a TA is confirmed, you will be automatically registered in the "TA Work Support (for TA)" course in manaba+R. In this course, you will receive information on TA training, how to submit work reports, and other important information to TA operations, so please be sure to check this course regularly.
For inquiries
Manabi Station (Gakujikan 1F)
TF (Teaching Fellow)
A TF is a graduate school student who is in charge of part of the class and supports it under the supervision of the faculty member of the class in undergraduate courses.
The TF system is implemented with the aim of further improving the quality of university education and helping graduate students acquire teaching skills and instructing skills and build their educational career through experience in educational duties.
In order to become TFs, graduate students need to have TA experience and complete the training course before the semester in which they are assigned.The faculty member of the class must apply and be approved by the faculty and the teaching institutions for the appointment of the class of the TFs.For the details, please refer to "the Guidelines for Teaching Fellow System".
TF Guidelines(Version of AY2024)
TF Guidelines(Version of AY2025)
Work Regulations for Hourly Non-Teaching Staff
Regulations Concerning Salaries of Hourly Non₋Teaching Staff
For inquiries
The Office of Academic Affairs