Graduate Student Career Path Support Programs
Support Programs by Graduate Student Career Path Support Center
In order to achieve your career goals, it is important to pursue research in specialized fields in graduate schools, and to be able to use the knowledge and skills acquired in the process of pursuing in diverse fields. The Graduate Student Career Path Support Center provides the necessary information and various support to help students acquire knowledge and improve their abilities to be active in various fields of society after completing graduate school. For example, it offers programs to acquire transferable skills and general skills such as English writing skills, and seminars to deepen graduate students’ understanding of the basic knowledge necessary for career path formation. In addition, job support seminars such as job hunting and self-promotion methods unique to graduate students, and social meetings with graduates are held. All graduate students can select seminars among programs that they consider necessary and take/participate in them for free.
For more information, please visit the following website.
■Graduate Student Career Path Support Center web site
■manaba+R Course "大学院キャリアパス推進室" contents list
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science For those who want to become a research fellow
Many of those who have been selected for special research fellowships have taken up full-time research positions, and it is said to be a gateway to success for young researchers. We provide support for graduate students who are aiming for academic careers to get adopted so that they can acquire such careers.
The schedule for applying for the Research Fellowship within the university, guidance, and issuance of IDs necessary for application
They will be announced in the following link, Graduate Student Career Path Support Programs within the course of manaba+R below.
「特別研究員」制度について contents list
For inquiries
RARA Office will be in charge from April 1, 2023.