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413 -  Gaining a new perspective

Gaining a new perspective

Monica St. Amant
Study in Kyoto Program (SKP)
Stage the Moonlight Theater Circle (劇団月光斜)

  • No.413
  • 2012年7月6日更新
Q: What club/circles are you currently involved in at Ritsumeikan?

A: Stage the Moonlight Theater Circle (劇団月光斜)

Q: What was your first contact with Gekkosha?

A: About a month after starting school at Ritsumeikan, I knew I wanted to join a circle. I have done theater since I was little and one day I was handed a flyer on campus for my circle's fall play. I went to see it one afternoon and I loved their sets, costumes, dance, and everything so much that I knew I wanted to join. So the next week I found the club room in the Student Center and knocked on the door and told them I saw the play and wanted to join. They were really excited because they had never had a foreigner before, and I was lucky enough to come the week of auditions for the winter play.

Q: Did you have experience in theater before joining this circle?

A: Yes, I begun acting at a young age and have done competitions and school plays as well as community theater and classes with and outside school.

Q: How often does the circle hold practices?

A: It depends on the director, but we generally meet six times a week. Sundays are usually a holiday, but when it gets close to the day of our show, we start coming on Sundays as well.

Q: What is the most challenging aspect of being part of this club?

A: At first it was hard because my circle has a long history. I only saw one show, so I didn't know their traditions or senior students or the way it was run. Also, I had to learn hundreds of new words, some of which I don't even know in English, because they are so technical. I had never experienced putting up lights in the theater before, but even though I'm not on the lighting staff, I had to learn. However, my club members are extremely helpful and kind and after the initial period of newness, I was able to adapt.

Q: What is the most rewarding aspect of being part of this club?

A: I was able to learn to do so many things I had never done before even as someone who has a history in theater. I was part of the sound staff and I really loved being able to experience the way music and sound are put into the plays my circle produces. For our summer play, I was able to be the sound operator, which is an extremely difficult but extremely rewarding job. I also did the choreography for one of the dances, so when I played the dance song and watched the actors dance the choreography I taught them, I was really moved. I was able to fully experience the senpai/kouhai culture and I realized the way Japanese companies are probably run. But most of all, I was able to make tremendous friendships and gain experiences that I will never forget.

Q: Any last message you would like to give to other students looking to join a club or circle at Ritsumeikan?

A: Do it! At first it won't be easy but if you don't give up, and you work with your club members, you will be able to gain experiences that you will never get anywhere else. Your Japanese will improve, and you will gain a different perspective of Ritsumeikan as a whole. Joining a circle was the best thing I have ever done. I wouldn't trade the hard times for anything because that's when I learned the most. 


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