2019 KOKUSAITEKI Research Fund Report
The Poster Session, which was scheduled on Sunday, June 21, was cancelled
due to the spread of COVID-19.
We post the submitted posters instead of this Poster Session.
Only the posters written in English are posted in this page.
Please take a look at each research report.
Posters written in Japanese can be checked in the below site.
The number of each recipient in 2019 is as below.
KOKUSAITEKI Research Fund: 38
KOKUNAI Research Fund: 1
KENKYUKAI-KATSUDO Grant: 27 groups
Internship Scholarship: 2
◆ KOKUSAITEKI Research Fund (Posters written in English only)
・Medical Profession and the Politics of Health in Contemporary Indonesia
・Corporate Social Responsibility in Developing Countries.Case Study:Indonesia, Sukabumi Regency
・Factors Determine the Lack of Complance of Ready-Made Garments(RMG) Sector of Bangladesh
・Housing Relocation in Tangerang City : Why people move and were thet satisfied afterward?
・An Investigation of the Morphology and Effect of American Community Gardens
・Dynamic Facial Features Associated with Positive Emotional Voice Stimuli for Detection of
Depressive Symptoms
・International Student Support Organizations in Australia: Approaches and Issues of Concern
・A Study on Determinant of Competitiveness Post-mining City as a Tourist Destination
・Understanding the Impact of GIS-based Disaster Information Systems n Indonesiai