(C) Tomonori Izumi, Jan. 2015. All rigts reserved.

FIFO source codes in RTL Verilog for any FPGA vendors

Please refer to: 泉知論, “同期FIFOのFPGAベンダ非依存記述と高速化設計”, 信学技報 VLD2014-147, CPSY2014-156, RECONF2014-80, 2015年1月.


source files

synthesizable FIFO source codes in RTL Verilog for any FPGA vendors
synthesizable memory source codes in RTL Verilog for any FPGA vendors

basis of module interface

pipelined single-port read/write memory

mem0pipe_module, mem1pipe_module, mem2pipe_module in mempipe.v
module memory_module(clk, a, d, q, we); //
parameter DW; // bit-width of data
parameter AW; // bit-width of address
parameter SZ; // size of memory, i.e. SZ=2^AW
input clk; // clock signal
input [AW-1:0] a; // address
input we; // write enable, 0:read, 1:write
input [DW-1:0] d; // write data
output [DW-1:0] q; // read data

FIFO module

fiforeg_module, fifo2t_module, fifo_module in fifo4any.v
module fifo_module(xrst, clk, idata, ivalid, iwait, odata, ovalid, owait, count, clr); // in fifo4any.v
parameter DW; // bit-width of data
parameter AW; // bit-width of address
parameter SZ; // size of memory, i.e. SZ=2^AW
input xrst, clk; // asynchronous reset(negative), clock signal
input [DW-1:0] idata; // input data
input ivalid; // valid signal to control input transfer
output iwait; // wait signal to control input transfer
output [DW-1:0] odata; // output data
output ovalid; // valid signal to control output transfer
input owait; // wait signal to control output transfer
output [AW:0] count; // number of data in FIFO, [AW+1:0] for fifo_module
input clr; // clear FIFO


Memory module without delay.
Synthesizers use no BRAMs but registers and logics to implement this. Applicable only for small size memory.
Pipelined memory module with 1cycle delay.
Synthesizers may use BRAMs.
Pipelined memory module with 2cycle delay.
Synthesizers may use BRAMs, safer than mem1pipe.
FIFO module with registers. Applicable only for small size FIFO
Fastest (throughput ... 1cycles per 1data, latency ... 1cycle).
FIFO module with single BRAM.
Relatively slow (throughput ... 2cycles per 1data, latency ... 4cycles).
fiforeg_module and mem2pipe_module are used.
FIFO module with double BRAMs.
Fast (throughput ... 1cycles per 1data, latency ... 6cycles).
fifo2t_module, fiforeg_module and mem2pipe_module are used.

IZUMI Lab.@Ritsumeikan University