
2018/09/14 本研究科博士課程後期課程2回生安田純さんの研究が「Nutrition Research」に原著論文として掲載されました。

スポーツ健康科学研究科博士課程後期課程2回生安田純さんが同研究科の助教・有光琢磨先生、教授・藤田聡先生と共同で取り組まれた研究が、「Nutrition Research」に原著論文として掲載されました。


Jun Yasuda is a graduate student in Faculty of Sport and Health Science of Ritsumeikan University, and his research manuscript was accepted and published in Nutrition Research, in which he collaborated with Professor Satoshi Fujita, and Assistant Professor Takuma Arimitsu in Faculty of Sport and Health Science of Ritsumeikan University. This study showed that skipping breakfast was associated with lower muscle mass in 270 healthy young subjects, irrespective of strong confounders, such as age, sex, and physical activity. Furthermore, this finding suggests the importance of daily breakfast consumption in terms of regulation of muscle mass. 

Jun Yasuda, Mai Asako, Takuma Arimitsu, and Satoshi Fujita. Skipping breakfast is associated with lower fat-free mass in healthy young subjects: a cross-sectional study. Nutrition Research. 2018; 60: 26-32.