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406 -  Learning About Japan in a School of Hard Knocks

Learning About Japan in a School of Hard Knocks

Shi Fan (University of International Business and Economics)
Gong Jiali (Shanghai Jiaotong University)
Study in Kyoto Program (SKP)
Karatedo Doukoukai

  • No.406
  • 2012年6月20日更新
Q:Why did you want to enter the Karate club?

Shi Fan: I wanted to experience something new, and since Japanese clubs are different from the clubs in China I thought this would be a good experience. Also, I don’t exercise very often so I thought joining this kind of club would be good for my health, and exercising while learning a traditional martial art of Japan seemed interesting to me.

Gong Jiali: I always had an interest in martial arts so when I was introduced to the club by one of my senpai in April I thought it would be a fun way to get exercise and become healthy.


Q:What was your first contact with the Karate Club?

Shi Fan/Gong Jiali : We were attracted by the club poster which had a drawing of a cute girl on it who looked very strong. We saw that and thought we wanted to become strong like her.

Q:Did you have experience doing any martial arts before joining this club?

Shi Fan/Gong Jiali: Neither of us did any martial arts while we were in China, but we were always interested in the martial arts.

Gong Jial: While I was in China I participated in a club, but one time when I visited Japan I was very taken by how enthusiastic Japanese students were at club activities. In China students are kind of just playing at the club, but here in Japan they are very serious.


Q:How often does the circle hold practices?

There is practice everyday but Sunday, but we only practice twice a week, which is ok with the club.

Q:What is the most challenging aspect of being part of this circle?

In one word 礼儀 (etiquette). In China the students do not worry too much about the “senpai/kohai” (older/younger students) relationship. But here in Japan this is very important, and they are a little strict. It has been a little hard to full enter this environment, but the senpai are very nice so practices are fun.

Sometimes we don’t understand the Japanese everyone is saying as there are lots of special words for the martial arts in Japan, but by watching and copying what the senpai are doing were can keep up with the class.


Q:What is the most rewarding aspect of being part of this circle?

Shi Fan: We can exercise at a regular pace and we have been able to make many Japanese friends, which might have been more difficult had we not entered the club.

Gong Jial: I also feel the same way. The exercise is great, and it has helped to increase my appetite.


Q:Any last message you would like to give to other students looking to join a club or circle at Ritsumeikan?

Gong Jial: I highly recommended the Karate Club as you can get regular exercise and make many Japanese friends.

Shi Fan: I think if you feel like you want to get stronger this would be a great club. And not just physically strong, we have also gotten mentally stronger, and are able to withstand more than before.


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