Tetsuya IIDA  Modern China and People’s Life
Katsuji TSUJI Social Differencials on Damage and
Reconstruction Processes on Kobe Earthquake
Yoshikazu SATO Tomoo Otaka and Alfred Schutz in the 1930’s :
Their Social Theory and Its Socio-Cultural Background
Tadashi NAKAMURA  A Study on the Batterer's Program
Takumi MORISHIGE A study of Entrance Examination as Interaction
Tomoka IKEDA The Changes in Value Orientation of Advice Colums
in Newspapers and Magazines
Mao SAITO Die gegenwartige Varänderung der Bedeutung der
Information Processing Studies:
Kotaro MONDEN Programming Method of VISUAL BASIC 3
Operation ; Basis of Data Reading and Display
Materials and Comment:
Akio CHIBA, Masao TAKAGI An early nineteen century village officers diary :
Kinoto-Ushi Nikki
Faculty colloquium:
Andrew Sayer Moral Economy and Political Economy
Ritsumeikan Social Sciences Review No.1〜100