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Santa isn't red?

  • Owen KOZLOWSKI **Photo courtesy of cottonbro @Pexels.com**
  • Culture
  • Intermediate
  • 2022

When we think about the winter holidays and Christmas, images of Santa Claus often come to mind. Popular characters dress in Santa-themed clothes. Many people cosplay at holiday parties as Santa and/or Mrs. Claus. Santa’s classic red-and-white colors are used in decorations, advertisements, and more. But did you know that Santa wasn’t always dressed in red-and-white? 

The character of Santa Claus has roots in many traditional stories and characters from across Europe and Central Asia. The stories and characters of Father Time, Sinterklaas, King Frost, Wotan, and Father Christmas all added to the story and character of Santa Claus. A 4th century Christian priest (Saint Nicholas of Myra) is the base for a lot of the personal background and character of Santa Claus. Many people think that the red robes of Saint Nicholas are the source of Santa’s famous outfit. The real story is much more recent. 

Many older images of Santa Claus are very similar to what we see now. An older man, dressed for cold winter weather, usually with a long cap and white fur. The colors are usually very different though. Often Santa is dressed in all white, white-and-brown, or white-and-grey. There are even purple versions! And yes, if you search there are some Santas wearing red, but they are rare. 

Santa wasn’t always the most popular part of Christmas though. For many years Christmas was a quiet religious holiday. Over the years the nature of the holiday changed, and slowly it became more festive with presents, drinking, singing, and parties. The character of Santa really started to become popular 200 years ago (through stories, books, and songs), and the colors of green and white became the “orthodox” version. Green and white matched many of the other winter decorations and traditions (pine trees, snow, etc.). Santa stayed green for almost 100 years. 

About 90 years ago (in the early 1930’s), red Santas started appearing again. The most famous version was made for the Coca-Cola Company by the artist Haddon Sundblom. The colors of Santa were made to match the Coca-Cola brand, and Santa became a bit fatter and kid-friendly. Coca-Cola was (and is) a popular and famous brand and the company started an aggressive sales campaign. The Coca-Cola Santa spread, becoming a huge hit and in a few years, magazines, television, and other media “locked” Santa into his classic red-and-white colors. Now there is no going back.

Q1: What were original colors of Santa Claus?

A. White and brown

B. Purple

C. Red 

D. All of the above

Q2: Who was the main base for the character of Santa Claus?

A. King Frost

B. Nichola of Myra 

C. Sinterklaas 

D. Father Christmas 

Q3: When did the trend of red Santas begin?

A. 100 years ago

B. 90 years ago

C. 200 years ago

D. 1700 years ago

--- Scroll down for answers ---

A1. D

A2. B

A3. B

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