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Photo Credit: Remaztered Studio @ Pixabay

The joy of sports is something that I have had since childhood. I have been playing some kind of sport for over 40 years. Whether it be playing basketball or going to watch pro games, sports have played an important role in who I am. 

When people think about sports, the first thing that comes to mind is often the physical benefits of doing sports and of course this is true. People who participate in sports often maintain a healthier body weight and suffer from fewer chronic diseases. There are also the psychological benefits of sports. Sports require communication skills, leadership and the ability to create and maintain interpersonal relationships. 

While all of these factors are important, I think there is one that is often overlooked. Sports are a vehicle for self expression. As an athlete I am constantly reminded of the fact that no matter how many athletes do the same sport, no two athletes do it exactly the same way. In the example of basketball, there have been countless words written comparing Lebron James, Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant, but in truth, each is uniquely a different athlete and expresses their game different ways. 

For me, the day to day preparation, practice, and eventual performance of competition form is not only an athletic endeavor but also an artistic one that is uniquely human. The same can be said of the individual and community experiences of fan bases. Groups of fans often have their own attire and rituals associated with their favorite teams and players, and these rituals often mimic those of religious groups. These shared experiences give a certain meaning to the fan bases and collectively identify them as members of a community. 

In short, it is my hope that in some way you may begin to see the benefits of sports as not limited to only the physical and psychological, but also reaching into the society in general.


1. What are some benefits of sports?

2. Who are the athletes mentioned in this entry?

3. How long has the author been playing sports?

Scroll down ↓ for the answers


1. a. Physical benefits of health,
    b. psychological benefits of communication skills, leadership, and interpersonal relationships,  
    c. the opportunity to express oneself.

2. Lebron James, Michael Jordan, and Kobe Bryant

3. Over 40 years

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