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Black Friday

Photo Credit: Tamanna Rumee @ Pixabay

Do you know what day is the busiest shopping day in America? You may think that many holidays and special events in America are busy shopping days, but there is one special event in America that is the busiest, and that is “Black Friday.” 

Maybe you have heard about “Black Friday” before. There are three unique facts that you should know about “Black Friday” in the United States. First, Black Friday is a busy shopping day because it is considered to be the start of the Christmas shopping season. Unlike in Japan, many people buy Christmas presents for many friends and family in the US. Second, Black Friday is always on the same Friday every year – the fourth Friday of November, on the day after Thanksgiving. Third, Black Friday gets its name from the shorthand phrase “in the black” which refers to “profits” and a successful business period. 

One interesting thing about Black Friday is how the day has recently become popularized in Japan in the past few years. It’s common now in Japan to see many shopping centers promote Black Friday sales heavily during the month of November. However, while Black Friday has become familiar to many Japanese people in recent years, Black Friday in America is very different from Japan. 

First, unlike Japan, where Black Friday signs are now seemingly everywhere all throughout November, In America, Black Friday is only during one single day – the fourth Friday in November. As Black Friday in the U.S. is only during one day, many stores compete with each other to begin their Black Friday sales earlier than other rival stores. For example, many stores will advertise special Black Friday sales and promotions that begin at midnight or very early in the morning on Friday. It’s very common to see people in the U.S. line up very early in the morning and stand in line for hours in front of their favorite stores so they can be among the first people to enter the store and get the best Black Friday deals. Sometimes, you can see people bring tents and even camp out in front of their favorite stores at very early times in the morning so they can secure their place in line and be among the first to rush into the store. The competition to get the best Black Friday deals is very intense! 

Another interesting thing about Black Friday is how it has begun to change in recent years. While Black Friday used to be just a one day event, many Black Friday shopping deals now start earlier on the day before, on Thursdays, and end later, on the following Monday. Black Friday is proof that many special events can gradually change over time!


Q1. What is the busiest shopping event in America?

Q2. Why is Black Friday a busy shopping day?

Q3. How has Black Friday changed in recent years?

Scroll down ↓ for the answers


1. Black Friday

2. It is considered to be the start of the Christmas shopping season. It is also an event with many special sales and promotions

3. Many Black Friday deals now start earlier on Thursdays and end later on Mondays

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