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Are You a Luddite?

Photo Credit: Florian Schmetz @ Unsplash.com

Are you familiar with the term Luddite? A Luddite is a person who is not comfortable using technology, in many cases because they do not trust technology. In extreme cases, the person wants to destroy technology. The term refers to the participants in a rebellion in England that occurred from 1811 to 1816 during the industrial revolution. Many weavers in England were upset that they were being replaced by machines. Traditional weaving shops could not compete in price with the textile products the factories were producing. The leader of the rebellion was supposedly a weaver named Captain, or King, Ludd, and his followers were referred to as Luddites. They broke into the factories and destroyed textile machinery. These days, referring to someone as a Luddite means you recognize that the person is avoiding, or speaking out against technology because that person thinks it is harmful rather than beneficial. 

Seems like many people are coming to that conclusion. Recently I've been reading a book called Stolen Focus by Johann Hari. In the book, he explains the many ways that his attention, particularly his ability to focus, has been reduced by use of his cell phone. For example, he complains that he has lost his ability to read anything for more than a few minutes, so now it takes him a long time to finish a book. In particular, he blames social media apps, which constantly demand that we give them our attention. He decides the best thing to do is to leave his phone in his apartment in New York and to move to a small town where he can stop using the Internet for three months. In the book, he describes the many positive effects that occur when he stops allowing the Internet and social media to command his focus. {Stolen Focus – Book Summary [https://medium.com/learning-by-proxy/stolen-focus-book-summary-b433453a0383]}

I was surprised to learn that even a few teenagers are concluding that using social media is not in their best interest. “'Luddite' Teens Don't Want Your Likes,” an article recently published in the New York Times, is about a group of teenagers at a high school in New York who have voluntarily decided not to use smartphones. Most of them have flip phones, and a few of them have no phones at all. These students formed a circle called the Luddite Club in their high school, and they meet outdoors to read, paint and draw, and to have discussions about the ideas presented in books they are reading. All of them are critical of society's reliance on social media, especially the need to post and get ‘likes’. Describing the benefits of abandoning social media, one of the students says “when I got my flip phone, things instantly changed. I got my brain back. It made me observe myself as a person.” {New York Times [https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/15/style/teens-social-media.html]}

So, what do you think? Are you happy with your smartphone and your access to social media, or have you been starting to question the benefits of being connected? If you have your doubts, it might be time to consider the taking the Luddite challenge, and see if it works for you.


1. What is a Luddite?
A. a dull sound
B. a person who does not like technology
C. a type of rock

2. How did the author of Stolen Focus attempt to regain his focus?
A. he moved to a small town and did not use the internet
B. he took medicine
C. he did yoga

3. What is the name of the circle formed by the high school students who have given up their smart phones?
A. Joy Luck Club
B. Breakfast Club
C. Luddite Club

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1. B
2. A
3. C

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