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: The Best Part of Classical Ballet

Photo Credit: Hudson Hintze @ Unsplash.com

Have you ever seen classical ballet? What kind of image comes to mind when you hear classical ballet? Some might imagine the unique costumes that the dancers wear on stage, a pair of toe shoes, or the scene of dancers are spinning several times. Some might remember pieces such as Swan Lake, Sleeping Beauty, or The Nutcracker. It is said that the origin of classical ballet goes back to the 16th century in Italy. Then it was introduced into France and Russia between the 17th and 19th centuries. It is also said that classical ballet started to become known around the world thanks to the great Russian composer Pyotr llyich Tchaikovsky, who wrote not only symphonies but also classical ballet music. Swan Lake, Sleeping Beauty, and the Nutcracker were all composed by him. Classical ballet came to Japan in the Taisho era and Japanese people started to enjoy seeing the performances of classical ballet after World War II. 

According to a survey conducted in 2016 by the Showa University of Music, and Toyo University, approximately 360,000 people are learning classical ballet in Japan. They explain that there are some advantages to learning classical ballet both for younger and older people. If we look at classical ballet as children’s accomplishments, it can include both physical and cultural elements. This means that practicing at the bar or dancing for a few hours on stage can build physical strength, and understanding the story behind the scenes can teach dancers about the foreign culture. In addition, dancing in front of many people on stage can give the feeling of self-approval. Some older people may learn classical ballet since it can help them keep fit and improve their memory because classical ballet dancers need to remember so many steps and the choreography with the music. 

As a person who has experienced learning classical ballet, here are some tips to enjoy watching your next performance of classical ballet. First, simply enjoy the dance and music in your own way. Music can often be played by a professional orchestra and the sound of toe shoes touching the ground can be quite fantastic. Second, enjoy guessing the story by looking at the dancers carefully, because they do not speak but use mime to tell the story and express their feelings. For example, pointing to the third finger on the left hand with the right hand means to get married. This mime originates in European culture, where people wear a wedding ring on their ring finger. Finally, imagine how the dancers spent many long hours and endured hardships while preparing for just this one performance so that you can be more impressed by their beautiful dance on stage.


Q1. Who composed the music of Swan Lake? 
A. Pyotr llyich Tchaikovsky
B. Mozart
C. Bach

Q2. How many people are learning classical ballet in Japan? 
A. 3,600,000
B. 720,000
C. 360,000

Q3. What sound can be fantastic when you see a performance of classical ballet? 
A. dancers singing
B. Toe shoes 
C. piano solo

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Q1. A
Q2. C
Q3. B

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