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Living in a Clean Room (3)


Photo Credit: Christian Diokno @Pexels.com


The world is full of advice on how to live in a clean room. I’m sure you have sometimes been disappointed comparing your room with someone’s nice, clean room on the Internet. I introduced two important points for cleaning in a blog titled "Living in a Clean Room (1)" and "Living in a Clean Room (2)". But before anything, don't forget that people have various stages of life.


To tell the truth, I used to live in a messy room, full of things. There were many things that I thought were important. I needed them because I felt like they shaped me. There is no way you can throw away things that are related to your identity. What is more, I couldn't clean at all because I was so busy every day. The room was overflowing with things, and I couldn’t tidy them up, so I couldn’t vacuum my room. What a mess! I knew that my family and friends were astounded and I didn't like that. But I could do nothing.


However, I have far fewer things now by having let go of things. I also have come across wonderful cleaning tools. So, today I proudly declare that I am able to clean and keep my room tidy.


I need here to emphasize that I just happened to be able to do that. In a few years or so, I might not be able to clean my room. In other words, people have various life stages, and along with that, I think there are times when you can clean your room and times when you can't.


Look at KonMari (Marie Kondo). She became world-famous by her own methods of tidying up. However, now she has a small child and she says she cannot tidy up like she used to. As much as she enjoyed parenting, I think it would be difficult for her as a tidying professional to accept the fact that she cannot clean up enough. Perhaps you are longing for a clean room right now, but you may not be able to clean it. If so, maybe now is not the time. That’s all. Even if you can't clean your room now, don't be so sad. You might think you would be happier when you have a clean room, but just find some other ways to be happier. There are many ways to be happier, and cleaning is just one of them.




Q1. The author couldn’t let go of things because

A. those were expensive

B. those seemed related to her identity

C. she didn’t know how to throw those away


Q2. Marie Kondo is

A. a famous tidying expert

B. a famous strict housekeeper

C. a famous kind nanny


Q3. Cleaning a room

A. is only way to be happier

B. is just one of the ways to be happier

C. has nothing to do with happiness


Scroll down ↓ for the answers



A1. B

A2. A

A3. B

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