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Photo Credit: Ksenia Chernaya @Pexels.com


I started cooking for myself when I was studying abroad in France. My French roommate often cooked French food with great pride, and that influenced me to become an admirer of French cuisine. I was just a beginner at the time, so I just enjoyed making sauce or dressing. However, at the end of the stay, I could grill meat well and make dishes using ingredients which had been unfamiliar to me, such as sour cream and herbs.


Before studying abroad, I had no interest in food at all. I had no appetite, didn’t enjoy eating, and so I had no interest in cooking. However, after returning to Japan, my parents said that I ate far better. I may have learned the joy of eating in the country of gastronomy. In addition, I was interested then in well-balanced meals and ingenuity for delicious food.


And after I left my parents' house and started living alone, I naturally started cooking. I was still a beginner. Sauteed vegetables weren't as crispy as I had hoped, and I didn't grill meat enough well to get the ideal tenderness. In particular, I still needed to study French cuisine. I also learned to analyze the food served every time I ate out. How fully are they grilled? What ingredients combined with what? What do they make the sauce with?


About 20 years have passed since then. Nowadays, cooking is essential for my better life. Now I know a lot of recipes and I can prepare the dishes for dinner, thinking of keeping a little for the next day's lunch box. I can also meal prep so that I can eat as soon as I get home. I’m looking forward to going to the supermarket thinking, "What dishes will I be able to eat this week with today's shopping?" Of course, I don't forget to take a break by eating out or getting takeout and learn a lot from the food made by professionals. I couldn’t have imagined that I would cook so much. People change.




Q1. When the author started cooking, she made

A. sour cream

B. sauce or dressing

C. a grilled steak


Q2. After returning to Japan, ...

A. the author ate better

B. the author started cooking well

C. the author lost interest in food


Q3. In order to eat as soon as she gets home, the author

A. buys some takeout.

B. goes to supermarket.

C. meal preps.


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A1. B

A2. A

A3. C

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