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The Best Way to Improve Your English in Japan

  • Ryo Kurose
  • LearningTechniques|LanguageLearning|Books|English
  • Intermediate
  • 2024

Photo Credit: Martin Pechy @Pexels.com 


“What is the best way to improve your English in Japan?” If someone asked you this question, what would your answer be? My answer is simple: “BE ACTIVE AND STUDY HARD IN YOUR ENGLISH CLASSES!” 


… Alright, alright, I see the fed-up look on your face, so I will stop joking around and give you another answer. (Oh, but I am NOT joking about being active and studying hard in your English classes. Please be active and study hard!) Whenever I’m asked that question, my answer would always be “extensive reading.” Do you know what extensive reading is? Some of you might be disgusted by the thought of reading in English. Have no fear. Extensive reading is very different from what you did in high school and maybe what you are doing now in your reading classes. In fact, the reading done in a lot of English reading classes in Japan is the opposite of what extensive reading is. That kind of reading is often called “intensive reading.” 


Intensive reading is about … reading difficult reading passages, reading in detail, reading with a dictionary, translating a lot into Japanese, trying to understand 100% of the reading passages, and focusing on learning grammar and vocabulary. 


Are you feeling sick and about to throw up? Again, don’t worry. Extensive reading is completely different. 


Extensive reading is about …  

reading a lot, reading easy books, reading enjoyable books, understanding 80~90% of the book, reading without using a dictionary, and reading without translating. 


As the name suggests, extensive reading is about reading a lot. But also, it’s about reading books that are easy and interesting for you. That is why another name for extensive reading is “pleasure reading.” 


I hope you have become interested in extensive reading. Next time, more about why we do extensive reading and how to do it! To be continued! 



Q1. What is intensive reading?  


Q2. What is extensive reading?  


Q3. What is another name for extensive reading?  


Scroll down ↓ for the answers




A1. It is reading difficult passages and trying to understand everything by using a dictionary and often translating. The focus is learning grammar and vocabulary. 


A2. It is reading a lot of easy and enjoyable books without using a dictionary and without translating. The focus is enjoying reading the books.  


A3. Reading for pleasure

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