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Improve your English with your Favourite Series


Photo Credit: Taryn Elliott@pexels.com



The most effective study methods are fun. If you enjoy something, you are more likely to continue doing it, so why not use this idea for studying? Watching a TV/net series is a great way to study both vocabulary and pronunciation. Here is an idea for studying each.


1. Pronunciation

Choose one line of dialogue in the series and watch it with English subtitles. Focus on any tricky words and practice them individually first. Then focus on how the words are connected when spoken, and practice saying those words together. Start slowly and gradually build up to the same speed as the actor. Once you have practiced individual words, and connected words, try saying the whole line or multiple lines of the dialogue. One method to practice is called shadowing. Shadowing is when you read the dialogue at the exact same time as the actor, and try to copy their intonation and rhythm. You can try this with subtitles first, and then without if you are feeling confident. Another method is to record your own voice saying a line. Then listen to it and compare it to the actor's voice. Try to get as close as possible.


2. Vocabulary

The good thing about watching a series is that the context is very clear. This means that if an unknown word appears, you may be able to guess its meaning by watching what's happening in the scene. Try watching a short scene with the English subtitles on. If a word you don't know appears, write it down and try to guess the meaning. When the scene is finished, you can check by watching the scene with Japanese subtitles, or by looking up the words in a dictionary. Guessing the meaning of vocabulary words you don't know is a great skill to practice for language learners because you don't want to always rely on a dictionary or translation software, especially when you are mid-conversation. This method also provides you with a clear example sentence and a natural way of using the vocabulary.


These methods work especially well if you have a streaming service like Netflix or Hulu, but it will also work with a DVD and there are also videos available on YouTube that provide subtitles. If you find studying to be a chore, consider trying something fun that will motivate you to keep doing it.




Blog Quiz


Q1. What are two things you can improve by watching a series?

Q2. What is ‘shadowing’?

Q3. What is a big advantage of studying vocabulary with a series?



Scroll down for the answers to the quiz…























A1. Vocabulary and pronunciation

A2. Reading along aloud at the same time as you listen.

A3. The context is clear.

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