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Hurdles in the Journey of College Students and Overcoming Challenges


Photo Credit: Charlotte May@pexels.com


College offers a unique opportunity for self-discovery, personal growth, and the acquisition of knowledge and skills. University life is a great experience, however, it is not without its share of challenges. College students will all face different hurdles. These challenges can be academic, personal, or financial in nature.


The transition from high school to college is difficult for many students. The sudden move from external motivation to internal motivation is difficult for many students, especially those who have grown up (and often thrived) under strict schooling regimes.


Fear of failure can often exacerbate stress and can lead to students who did well under a strictly structured high school model to stuggle with the freedoms, and the responsibilty to self, that is part of university life.


Many individuals arrive at college with both high goals and/or a high level of stress (self-imposed or external). Overcoming the fear of failure involves changing one’s perspective, and recognizing that making mistakes is an integral part of learning.


Personal problems include homesickness, loneliness, and the struggle to create a new identity in a new environment. For many, the college experience is their first time living away from home, and homesickness is often common. To overcome this, students should try to participate in campus activities to help form connections with their peers.


Loneliness is another issue many students face. The social landscape of college can be daunting, and the quest for genuine connections can be a challenging one. The key to overcoming this hurdle lies in proactive engagement. By attending social events, joining clubs or organizations, and seeking out like-minded individuals, students can create opportunities to build lasting relationships.


Financial hurdles are yet another facet of the college experience that students must navigate. The rising costs of tuition, textbooks, housing, and living expenses can be a daunting obstacle. Scholarships, grants, and financial aid are essential tools in reducing the financial burden. It is vital for students to explore all available options, both need-based and merit-based, to secure financial assistance. Additionally, prudent budgeting and financial literacy enable students to manage their expenses more effectively. Moreover, students should also seek part-time employment to alleviate their financial pressures.


Students face many difficulties when they first enter college. Knowing that other students have faced (and overcome) the same or similar difficulties is the first step in overcoming hurdles in university life. Following the example of other students who have thrived at university by joining clubs and getting part-time jobs is the first step in creating a lasting and worthwhile college experience.



Blog Quiz:


Q1. What are the 3 main general areas of difficulties students may face?

Q2. The first step to overcoming fear of failure is to …

Q3. What is a good way to overcome loneliness?



Scroll down for the answers.























A1. academic, personal, or financial

A2. changing one’s perspective (AND/OR) recognizing that making mistakes is an integral part of learning

A3. Clubs // Part-time jobs

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