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Make Your Dreams Come True with English!

  • Nobuaki Irie
  • Culture|Hobbies_LeisureActivities|English
  • Beginner
  • 2024

Photo Credit: Nobuaki Irie@pexels.com



On my 11th birthday, my cousin gave me a record of the popular singing duo, the Carpenters as a present. Of course, I didn't understand English at all back then. However, fascinated by the beautiful singing voice and melody, I wanted to know the meaning of the lyrics. That was my first encounter with English. At the age of twelve, I was impressed by the dynamic singing voice of The Three Degrees, a black trio who was as popular as the Carpenters in Japan, and that was how I became interested in Soul Music (R&B).


The following year, a group of five black brothers called Tavares caught my eye while watching TV. I instantly became a big fan of them and joined the Tavares fan club, which was backed up by a Japanese record company (Toshiba EMI) when I was in junior high school. Perhaps because I was very enthusiastic about the group, I ended up becoming the president of the fan club during my high school years. I often held Tavares record concerts and even went to radio stations to promote their songs. My dream was to go to a Tavares concert and meet them in America someday. So, I studied English hard to make that dream come true.


Tavares eventually disappeared from the music scene, not releasing records anymore in the late 1980s. When I was giving up my dream of meeting them, I heard the news that Tavares was coming to Japan to give concerts even in my home town of Osaka! Right after reading the news, I wrote to their record company even though I wasn’t sure if my letter would reach the group. I really wanted to thank them for their music that had enriched my life and given me a lot of joy and happiness. It is no exaggeration to say that they helped me become an English teacher. On the day of their concert in Osaka, my dreams finally came true. Not only was I able to hear their singing live but also allowed to meet them backstage. Tavares looked at me and said, "You are the one who wrote us." Yes, they had received my letter! The members were very happy to see me, and we took pictures together. The photos are still my lifelong treasures even to this day.


Just like this, through English, I was able to fulfill my dream. I hope that you too will meet many wonderful people and have valuable experiences by using English. Make your dreams come true with English!



Blog Quiz

Q1. How did the author encounter English?

Q2. What was the name of the group that the author became the president of the fan club for?

Q3. How did the author’s dream come true?



Scroll down to see the answers below.
























1.         The author’s cousin gave him a record of the Carpenters for his birthday.

2.         Tavares

3.         The author was able to see Tavares' concert in Osaka and meet them backstage.

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