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A View from Afar


Photo Credit: Rodolfo Clix @Pexels.com


I grew up in the southeastern part of the United States. While there is a lot that comes as a result of being from that part of the country, lately it has involved natural disasters. The state where I’m from was horribly affected by Hurricane Helene (hurricanes are Atlantic Ocean-equivalents to typhoons in the Pacific Ocean). It should always be sad to see the effects of disasters around the world, but it’s different when the location is your hometown.


For me, I’ve been away from my hometown almost all of my adult life, and only really have an address there for citizenship purposes. With family and friends moving on in their lives, I had felt the connection weaken recently, but the effects of the hurricane have challenged that some for me. Even if there is less of what connects you to a place, there are still memories of what was.


It is hard to see so much of what used to be in my hometown either be totally flooded, uprooted from its foundations, or simply washed or blown away. Images and videos I saw almost seemed like they were from another place, but then I’d see a familiar storefront, a very particular street name in a headline, or adjacent towns or counties being mentioned. Then, the feeling just sinks in that it both is and isn’t the place I used to know.


Over time, places that we know will change their meanings for us. Sometimes a positive will become a negative, a negative will turn positive, or they’ll stay the same but we’ll find something new to maintain that feeling. Buildings and people will come and go, and, in the case of me with Hurricane Helene, entire towns practically disappear. It is a part of life you cannot always predict.


Change will happen, and the reasons for it do not have to be bad, though they sometimes are. The main thing to remember is changes to where you were do not suddenly change who you are. The people and places you have and had known will always hold their place in your memory, but what you do with them now determines their weight.


Do not let circumstances decide what you know to be true in yourself. You know what has made you the person you are today.



Q1. What recent event has happened in the author’s hometown?


Q2. How long has the author been away from their hometown?


Q3. For the author, what should NOT have final say in what influences our lives?



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A1. Hurricane Helene

A2. Almost all of his adult life

A3. Circumstances

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