Interdisciplinary Graduate Courses/ Inter-Graduate School Common Subjects/ Other Graduate School Course Registration System etc.
Other Graduate School Course Registration System (Takenkyuka Juko Seido)
This system allows Ritsumeikan graduate students to take courses offered by graduate schools which they do not belong to.
By using this system, students are able to acquire knowledge or skills etc. that are difficult to learn at their own graduate schools.
Students must obtain prior approval from their academic adviser, and if the graduate schools they belong to determine that taking courses offered at other graduate schools are beneficial to students,they can use this system.
For detailed information such as registering procedures and subjects available, please see the information from the URL below.
For inquiries
Administrative Office of your Graduate School
Inter-Graduate School Common Subjects (Daigakuin Kyotsu Kamoku)
This system helps students acquire knowledge and skills required as graduate students in common.
In addition to specialized knowledge and skills, students are able to study subjects related to their majors’ field systematically, and are able to acquire comprehensive point of view and multi-faceted vision on their specialized field of studies.
It also gives students a good opportunity to interact with graduate students from different graduate schools and exchange each other’s knowledge for conducting researches. Therefore, we encourage students to take advantage of this system.
For detailed information such as registering procedures and subjects available, please see the information from the URL below. text only)
*The system is available for students in Professional Degree Program (excluding the School of Law), Master’s Program, Doctoral Program and Integrated Doctoral Program.
For inquiries
The Office of Academic Affairs
Kansai Four-University Consortium Program (credit transfer system)
The inter-graduate school credit transfer system among four universities in Kansai is a credit transfer system established and operated based on an agreement made among four universities in the Kansai area: Ritsumeikan University, Doshisha University, Kansai University and Kwansei Gakuin University.
Based on this agreement, all four universities accept non-degree students who join this Consortium Program from other three universities and allow them to take courses offered at their graduate schools and earn credits.
Students are able to acquire knowledge other skills that are difficult to acquire at their own universities.
For detailed information such as registering procedures and subjects available, please see the information from the URL below. text only)
For inquiries
KIC Manabi Station
Interdisciplinary Graduate Courses
The Interdisciplinary Graduate Courses are offered to develop highly specialized professionals equipped with the skills needed to thrive in society. Based on the advanced expertise and research capabilities cultivated in graduate school, these courses aim to help students acquire the knowledge and skills commonly required across various fields, transcending traditional boundaries
Subject title | Preparing Future Faculty Seminar |
Summary of subject | This course is designed for graduate students at our university to acquire the basic knowledge and skills required for teaching. Completion of this course will qualify the student to become a Teaching Fellow (TF) who is responsible for teaching part of the class as a teaching assistant. In addition, the course is intended to support the development of their academic career in the future. |
For detailed information such as registering procedures, please see the information from the URL below.
For inquiries
The Office of Academic Affairs