
(Methods of Payment and Schedule)

在学生対象 (Only for current students)


The schedule and method of payment of tuition and fees for AY2024 is as follows.
If there is any change in the payment method or schedule, we will notify you as soon as possible.

■自動チャットでのお問い合わせ Questions in automated chat


If you have any questions about tuition fees, you can use the automated chat.
* Do not enter your personal information in the chat. We will not be able to reply to you if you do.

学費等納入について自動チャット Questions in automated chat

■学費納付金額の確認方法 How to check the amount of tuition payment
納入状況は「CAMPUS WEB(学生専用ページ)」および「立命館大学 学費等支払いサイト」にてご確認いただくことが可能です。

Your payment status can be checked on “CAMPUS WEB (students-only page)” and the “Ritsumeikan University Tuition Payment Site”.

学費等納入状況の確認方法Confirmation of Payment

学費等納付案内の送付について Tuition Billing Address
大学に登録されている学費請求先住所はCAMPUS WEB(学生専用ページ)でご確認可能です。

Your tuition bill include in the tuition payment guide is mailed to your “Tuition Billing Address” registered at the University.
If Tuition Billing Address will change due to moving house or a change of guarantor, etc., please promptly notify MANABI Station.
*The Tuition Payment Guide including tuition bill cannot be mailed overseas.If the tuition billing address is an overseas address, it must be changed. In that case, please notify Manabi Station.
How to check your tuition billing address➡Click here

納付方法 (Methods of delivery)へ 

スケジュール (Schedule)へ 

■関連リンク(その他支援サイト)Other Web Sitesへ

納付方法 (Methods of delivery)


Please use one of these methods to transfer the payment.

1.日本国内の金融機関からのお振込 Bank transfers from a financial institution counter

A) 「立命館大学 学費等支払いサイト」からのお振込 Payment using the Ritsumeikan University Tuition Payment Site


Start date for Spring Semester 2024 : approximately 10:00 am JST April 8, 2024

ご利用はこちらから➡「立命館大学 学費等支払サイト]

Click here➡「Ritsumeikan University Tuition Payment Site

B) 振込依頼書によるお振込み Payment by bank transfer using the Bank Transfer Request Form



Please confirm the "Notice of Tuition Fee Payment" that will be sent to you by mail, and make the payment. Please be sure to enter the payer information as written on the bank transfer request form (i.e., 17-digit number and the student’s name in katakana).

*If a number from the payer information section is missing or a name other than the student’s name is used (e.g., parent's name, etc.) when making a transfer, the student may be considered as not having paid.

C) ATM・インターネットバンキングからのお振込 Bank transfers from an ATM or Internet Banking





When using Japanese ATM or Internet banking, please be sure to read the precautions on the back of the bank transfer request form before proceeding.

Important Notes:
Bank Transfer Payer Name section
If you make a transfer using an ATM or internet banking, please be sure to enter the payer information as written on the bank transfer reauest form (i.e.. 17-dfo:it number and the student's name in katakana). In the case of a character limit when you make a transfer, please enter 17-digit numbers first, and then enter the number of characters allowed for the student name.

If the Transfer Payer Name is not entered correctly and the payer cannot be verified, the transfer may be treated as unpaid.

About Bank Transfer Fees:
Please note that you will be responsible for any transfer fees or other charges incurred if you transfer funds by other means. However, the handling of fees may differ for non-residents who complete the transfer procedure. For more details, please contact the financial institution directly.

2.海外からのお振込 Paying tuition from a financial institution outside Japan

D)    Convera GlobalPay for Students (海外からのお振込み)

海外からのお振込は大学提携のConvera GlobalPay for Studentsをご利用ください。Convera GlobalPay for Studentsの詳細は下記の案内ページをご確認ください。

If you are making a bank transfer from a financial institution outside Japan, please use Convera GlobalPay for Students to pay by local bank transfer or various online payment methods.For more information about Convera GlobalPay for Students and the payment procedure, please refer to information below.

    ※留学生でCAMPUS WEBに表示されていない年度・金額での送金を希望される場合はこちら

    ※For international students: If you would like to make your tuition/fees payment for the next academic year, please click here.

  Convera GlobalPay for Studentsのサービス内容についてのご質問はこちらよりご確認ください。
  Please refer here for more information/Tips and FAQs about Convera's services.

スケジュール (Schedule)






Information regarding the payment of tuition and fees will be sent to your billing address in mid-April.

Please check the enclosed "Notice of Tuition Fee Payment" and make your payment.

If you are currently in the process of applying for a leave of absence etc., please wait until after you have received notice from the administrative office of your college or graduate school to make your payment.

For those who are applying (or planning to apply) for tuition reduction for privately-financed international students/ tuition reduction for privately-financed international students, please check “Tuition and Fees Payment Information” on CAMPUS WEB and pay your tuition fee after the results of the scholarship applications were announced by the International Center.

*If the spring semester tuition payment is not completed by the end of August or the fall semester tuition payment is not completed by the end of February, the student will be expelled for non-payment of tuition.

①1年間の学費を一括で納入する場合 Payment of one year tuition in a lump sum


  Payment due date


 May 31

*If the deadline falls on a nonbusiness day for financial institutions, the deadline shall be the next business day.

②春学期もしくは秋学期の学費を一括で納入する場合 Payment for the spring or fall semester tuition in a lump sum

 春学期 納入期限

 Spring Semester Payment Due Date


 May 31

 秋学期 ご案内送付

 Fall Semester Information



 秋学期 納入期限

 Fall Semester Payment Due Date


 November 30

*If the deadline falls on a nonbusiness day for financial institutions, the deadline shall be the next business day.

③春学期もしくは秋学期の学費を分割で納入する場合  Payment of the spring or fall semester tuition in installments

● 納入期限(1)では任意の金額を納入ください。Please pay any amount at the due date (1).

● 納入期限(2)では残額を納入ください。Please pay the remaining amount at the due date (2).

春学期 Spring Semester


 Due Date (1)


   May 31


 Remaining amount Information




 Due Date (2)

 July 10

*If the deadline falls on a nonbusiness day for financial institutions, the deadline shall be the next business day.

秋学期 Fall Semester


 Fall Semester Information




 Due Date (1)


   November 30


 Remaining amount Information




 Due Date (2)

 2025年1月10日     January 10, 2025

*If the deadline falls on a nonbusiness day for financial institutions, the deadline shall be the next business day.

④学部生:在学期間が修業年限を超えた学生の場合 (学修要覧参照)

Undergraduate students: Students whose period of attendance at the University has exceeded the standard completion term (cf.  Academic Handbook) 




We will send you the payment form for the normal amount that be written on it in mid-April for the spring semester and mid-October for the fall semester.

If you meet all the requirements, we will send you another notice in mid-June for spring semester and mid-December for fall semester. So, please wait for the payment.

For more details of the requirements, please refer to "Information regarding tuition for "Students whose period of attendance at the University has exceeded the standard completion term" provided in the Academic Handbook. Regarding the information on Academic Handbook, Registration Guidebook, and Time Schedule, please access manaba+R and check the "College/Graduate School of ●● students page" in the course menu. Course Registration➡Click here

春学期 Spring Semester

 Spring Semester Information (the normal amount of tuition)

 Spring Semester Information (half the normal amount of tuition/Amount after the condition applies of tuition) 
 Due Date 
July 10

*If the deadline falls on a nonbusiness day for financial institutions, the deadline shall be the next business day.


If you are not to be suitable for the requirements, please select one of them through to above.

秋学期  Fall Semester


 Fall Semester Information
(the normal amount of tuition)   




 Fall Semester Information (half the normal amount of tuition/Amount after the condition applies of tuition)  


   Due Date  


  January 10, 2025

*If the deadline falls on a nonbusiness day for financial institutions, the deadline shall be the next business day.


If you are not to be suitable for the requirements, please select one of them through to above.

■関連リンク(その他支援サイト)Other Web Sites



 ・  授業料減免と学費等納入について(本学奨学金Webサイト)

 ・ 経済支援型奨学金FAQ



Frequently Asked Questions from International Students:International Center

Consultations regarding leave of absence, withdrawal from school, graduation, and Procedures for Changes to Personal Information (address, name, etc.):Study Support Site

お問い合わせ Inquiry

納付方法 (Methods of delivery)へ 

スケジュール (Schedule)へ 

■関連リンク(その他支援サイト)Other Web Sitesへ
