Ph.D. in Educational Policy and Administration, University of Minnesota Twin Cities
- Email:
- mhorie [at] fc.ritsumei.ac.jp ([at]を@に置き換えてください)
- Office Location:
- AC5304
- Office Hours:
- 木曜日12:30-13:30 (メールにて事前連絡)
- Ph.D. in Educational Policy and Administration (Comparative and International Development Education), University of Minnesota Twin Cities
- M.A. in Education, Nagoya University
- Foundations in Research Skills 1
- Introduction to Education
- Special Lecture: Personal Development through Intercultural Experiences
- Liberal Arts Experience: Exploring Diversity, Equity and Inclusion on Campus
- 多文化間の学び:教室内の文化的多様性を尊重し、お互いから学びます。
- 協働の学び:学習者同士で協力し、それぞれの学びが深まるように助け合います。
- コンテンツとプロセスの学び:授業内容だけでなく、授業中の議論やプロジェクトのプロセスからも学びます。
- 異文化感受性の発達
- 多文化間共修
- 教育におけるDiversity, Equity and Inclusion
- 国際教育のプログラム・デザイン
- 教育のグローバル流動性
- Horie, M. (2022). Mainstreaming international education: Mestenhauser’s influence in Japan. In D'Angelo, A. M., O'Brien, M. K., & Marty, G. (Eds.). Mestenhauser and the Possibilities of International Education: Illuminating Pathways for Inquiry and Future Practice. Taylor & Francis Group. 120-126.
- 田中博・堀江未来・武田菜々子・半田亨・松浦紀之(編著)(2022)「世界とつながる科学教育:高校生サイエンスフェアを通して理系グローバル人材を育てる」学文社
- Hanada, S. & Horie, M. (2021). Impact of the CAMPUS Asia Initiative for developing Japanese students’ attitude toward mutual understanding: A case study of the Japan–China–Korea Trilateral Exchange Program. Research in Comparative and International Education, Vol. 16, No. 3. 276-294.
- 2Horie, M. (2018). Faculty Training for Non-Native Speakers of English at Japanese Universities: Effective English-Medium Teaching for a Culturally Diversified Student Population. In Bradford, A. & Brown, H. (eds). English-Medium Instruction in Japanese Higher Education: Policy, Challenges and Outcomes. Multilingual Matters. 207-224
- 坂本利子・堀江未来・米澤由香子 (編著)(2017)「多文化間共修:多様な文化背景をもつ大学生の学び合いを支援する」学文社
- Horie, M. (2015). Japan. In de Wit, H., Hunter F., Howard, L. & Ergon-Polak, E. (eds). Internationalisation of Higher Education. European Parliament's Committee on Culture and Education, European Union.
- Horie, M. (2014). The Opportunities and Challenges of Intercultural Education for Asia Literacy. Ethos: The Journal of Social Education Victoria, Vol. 22, No. 3. 20-23, 39.
- Mashiko, E. & Horie, M. (2008). Nurturing soft power: The impact of participation in Japan-U.S. university exchange program. In Watanabe, Y. & McConnell, D. (eds.). Soft Power Superpowers: National Assets in Japan and the United States. M.E. Sharpe. 75-96.