〒603-8577 京都府京都市北区等持院北町56-1
Kyoto Museum for World Peace, Ritsumeikan University
56-1 Kita-machi, Toujiin, Kita-ku, Kyoto, Japan 603-8346
世界初の大学立の平和博物館。常設展示室は、日本の「十五年戦争」の加害と被害の実態や現代に至る世界の戦争・紛争を展示しています。平和創造展示室は、「戦争がなければ平和でしょうか?」と訴えかけ、世界の構造的暴力の諸相とそれを克服するための市民の努力を描いています。メディア資料室では、戦争や平和に関わる豊富な文献・メディア資料を設置しています。「無言館」(長野県上田市)の姉妹施設である「無言館/京都館 いのちの画室(アトリエ)」も併設されています。
Kyoto Museum for World Peace is the World’s first peace museum established by a university. Its permanent exhibition coverage ranges from Japanese aggressions and the damages caused during the fifteen-year war to modern world wars and conflicts. In the Building Peace Section on the 2nd floor, a question that asks if the absence of war means peace is raised and various aspects of structural violence that exists worldwide and citizen’s efforts to overcome the obstacles are projected. The media library on the 1st floor provides an abundance of literacy documents and audio-visual references related to war and peace. The Studio of Life, the Kyoto Annex to the Mugonkan (Silent Museum), an art gallery displaying artworks by fallen art student soldiers, has been set up on the 2nd floor of the museum.
〒606-8271 京都府京都市左京区北白川瓜生山2-116
Kyoto University of Art and Design
2-116 Uryuzan, Kitashirakawa, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, Japan 606-8271
1977年創立。「芸術による平和創造」の理念の下、10学科31コースの芸術学部と3学科12コースの通信教育部、大学院を設置。約1万人の在学生数は国内の芸術大学としては最大級の規模を誇ります。キャンパスは、 東山三十六峰の一つ瓜生山に位置し、既存樹木との共存がはかられています。学長千住博をはじめとして、秋元康、浅田彰、宇川直宏、榎本了壱、竹村真一、辻仁成、椿昇、ヤノベケンジなど第一線で活躍するアーティストや研究者が専任教員として指導に当たっています。
The Kyoto University of Art and Design was established in 1977. Having “Peace Building by Art” as the academic philosophy, the university holds 10 departments with 31 courses under the school of arts, 3 departments and 12 courses under distance learning program and a graduate school. The university is one of the largest art universities in Japan with 10,000 students enrolled. The campus is located on the side of Mt. Uryu, which is a part of Higashiyama Thirty-six Peaks, where the campus coexists with the bounty of nature. The faculty is formed by front-line artists and researchers including Hiroshi Senju, a world-renowned painter and the president of the university.
〒730-0811 広島県広島市中区中島町1-2
Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum
1-2 Nakajima-cho, Naka-ku, Hiroshima City, Japan 730-0811
On August 6th, 1945, Hiroshima was devastated by the world’s first atomic bomb that took many lives. The Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum was established ten years after the bombing in August, 1955. Since then, the museum has extended to the world the heart of Hiroshima that calls for nuclear disarmament and lasting world peace. The museum displays over 400 reference materials including photos and remnants of atomic bomb victims and victims’ messages saying that the repeat of the ravages of A-bomb will be unacceptable and protesting against the idea of coexistence of humans and nuclear weapons.