
Wednesday 6 December 2023 14.40-16.10 (JST) (UTC +9)  
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「移動グローバル社会史」研究会 Confinement during World War II in the Indo-Pacific


Lina is an Academic Fellow at the Australian National University. She is an ethnographer and an historian who spent many years in South Korea. Lina completed her PhD in the College of Asia and the Pacific at ANU. She was the recipient of the 2014 Prime Minister's Australia Asia Endeavour Award, she has a Master's degree in Korean Studies from Yonsei University in Seoul, and a Master’s degree in International Relations from the National University of Singapore. Her teaching and research interests are religion, race, culture, protest, social movements and refugee studies.


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Tessa Morris-Suzuki is Professor Emerita of History at the Australian National University, where she previously held the positions of Distinguished Professor and Australian Research Council Laureate Fellow. Her research focuses on East Asia and particularly on modern Japan, with a special interest in issues of historical conflict and reconciliation, migration and minorities (including the indigenous peoples of the region spanning the Russo-Japanese border). Her recent books include Japan's Living Politics: Grassroots Action and the Crises of Democracy (Cambridge University Press, 2020); On the Frontiers of History: Rethinking East Asian Borders (ANU Press, 2020); and A Secretive Century: Monte Punshon’s Australia, 1882‒1989 (Melbourne University Ptess, 2024, forthcoming). In 2013 she was awarded the Fukuoka Prize (Academic Award) for contributions to Asian Studies.


  Discussant 2   

Shin Takahashi is a lecturer in the Asian Languages and Cultures Programme at Victoria University of Wellington. His research interest lies in the nexus between modern and contemporary Okinawan and Japanese history and critical theory in the context of postcolonial Cold War East Asia. He is the author of The Translocal Island of Okinawa: Anti-Base Activism and Grassroots Regionalism (Bloomsbury, 2024).



Yasuko Hassall Kobayashi is associate professor at the College of Global Liberal Arts, Ritsumeikan University, Japan. She is also an Honorary Associate Professor at the School of Culture, History and Language, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, the Australian National University. Her main research interest lies in modern history of transnational migration and mobilities occurring within the Asia and Pacific region. Her current research projects concern war mobilities of the Asia Pacific War. Her two recent books are:  (in English, co-edited) Transpacific Visions Connected Histories of the Pacific across North and South (2021, Lexington Books), and (in Japanese, co-authored) A World History of Trade and Transportation (2021, Seizando-Shoten Publishing).