Research Project
Philosophy and educational platforms
that led to the revitalization of JAL:
The educational and training platform that
revolutionized the way JAL employees
thought and acted
Project leader:Fumihiro Kanai
Project members
- Project leader
- Fumihiro KanaiAffiliate Professor at Ritsumeikan Inamori Philosophy Research Center, Ritsumeikan University
- Project members
- Etsuko TaniguchiAffiliate Assistant Professor at Ritsumeikan Inamori Philosophy Research Center, Ritsumeikan University
- Toshihiro Kanai as AdvisorProfessor at the Graduate School of Business Administration, Kobe University
Research project summary (Objectives/goals (results))
This project was initiated in FY2016 based on an examination of the processes applied through the Inamori management philosophy towards awareness reform as part of efforts to revitalize Japan Airlines Co., Ltd. (hereafter, JAL) commencing in FY2015, and presents a detailed understanding of the philosophy and educational platforms through which the instructional design, and the basic thought process behind such, were promoted as part of said awareness reform training. This report clarifies the following points.
- Contents & methods of the company-wide philosophy and educational platforms established to share the JAL Philosophy
- Leadership implemented by management as a means of overseeing such workplace organizational learning exercises based on the JAL Philosophy
- Elucidation of the employee awareness reform processes and triggers which changed workplace organizational learning- organizational behavior
In FY2018 we will conduct comparative research into the philosophy education implemented at KDDI and JAL, two companies that apply the Inamori management philosophy, and will attempt to elucidate changes in the organizational learning - organizational activities implemented at each company. Further, in order to establish a ‘workplace model for philosophy and educational platforms’ for businesses on-site, we will also conduct comparative research studies into the philosophy and educational platforms at Seiwajyuku member companies (LIFULL Co., Ltd., etc.), among which there are many small to medium sized enterprise owners.
In addition to this, we will interview Chinese Seiwajyuku member companies about the philosophy education in China as part of a review into models for popularizing and spreading such philosophy and educational platforms beyond national boundaries.
- ・Elucidation of educational platform models for application at business sites
- We performed an analytical survey into company-wide JAL Philosophy education in order to form a greater insight into the management operations, and philosophy and educational platforms in use. We will look to creating philosophy and educational platform workplace models based on research comparing approaches to organizational learning and mid-level management leadership—factors considered essential to workplace revitalization—with Seiwajyuku member companies.
- ・Popularizing and spreading philosophy and educational platforms, model reviews
- We will develop hypotheses on the popularization and spread of philosophy and educational platforms at large companies, as well as models for such, drawing from interviews with KDDI training personnel and comparative reviews based on the elucidation of JAL Philosophy educational processes, and procedures used to spread this philosophy throughout the workplace.