Research into the effectiveness of
the Inamori philosophy-based
corporation transformation
Project leader:Yuichi Yoda
Project leader:Yuichi Yoda
This research project looks at a company philosophy that prioritizes employee happiness, and the form of entrepreneurship and altruistic mindset pursued by Dr. Inamori, and aims to clarify the mechanisms in which corporation transformation based on the Inamori management philosophy helps improve organizational performance and business results, and the logic demonstrating such.
Specifically, business management based on this philosophy brings with it an awareness of issues faced when undergoing corporation transformation, or when faced with trying phases such as corporate mergers and corporate revitalization efforts, namely, whether the effectiveness of this approach can be further brought to bear, and whether this approach can serve as the driving force for overcoming such trials and tribulations, etc. In a practical sense, while corporate principles and philosophies tend to draw strongly from the identity of the corporate group, we still cannot say that sufficient academic studies have been performed in relation to the sharing of the Inamori management philosophy across corporate boundaries, and the mechanisms in play concerning the effectiveness of said philosophy when a company is faced with trialing circumstances, and further research into the academic significance of such is needed.
In terms of social significance, the practical implication of management based on this philosophy is shared by management or business systems faced with the task of undergoing corporate reforms essential for achieving corporate growth.
The Kyocera Group published the research paper “ Philosophy-based corporate transformation: The case of Kyocera MITA Corporation” for use as a study case in this research project. Further, the restoration of Japan Airlines (JAL), not as a group company but as an independent company, is a case study itself into applying corporation transformation based on a JAL Philosophy that incorporated the Inamori management philosophy, and this requires further academic study. In particular, this research project will focus on JAL as an example in corporation transformation.
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