

To All Students Afflicted by the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake

We offer our sincerest condolences to everyone afflicted by the recent earthquake and pray for your speedy recovery.

[To All Students Afflicted by the Recent Disaster]

• Depending on your situation, which may extend from the damage to your home caused by the recent earthquake to include various other situations stemming from the disaster such as a fall in income, bankruptcy or the death of the provider of household income, you may be eligible to apply for scholarships or assistance programs by the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO), Ritsumeikan University or Ritsumeikan University Parents Association of Student Education Assistance.
• Application guidelines stated under “2. Assistance Programs by Ritsumeikan University” and “3. Assistance Programs by Ritsumeikan University Parents Association of Student Education Assistance” are those for AY2023. Even if the application period for scholarship programs has elapsed, it may be possible to apply for those programs for AY2024.
• Information on applying for AY2024 and other details will be publicly released on the university website once they are finalized.

*Details of assistance, application periods and other areas differ from scholarship to scholarship. Students requiring assistance will be provided with information on the scholarships they can apply for in accordance with the damage caused to them. Please start by consulting with the Office of Student Affairs.

1. Assistance Programs by JASSO
(1) Scholarship Grant (sudden change in household finances) *Only undergraduate students are eligible
• To be eligible, students must satisfy a level of household finances according to income following its drop due to a disaster (income at the level of tax-exempt households) and a level of academic ability, and be found to require emergency assistance in the form of a grant-type scholarship. Students must apply within three months after the cause of the drop in income occurred.

(2) scholarship Loan (emergency application/temporary application) *Both undergraduate and graduate students are eligible
• To be eligible, students must have experienced a sudden change in household finances due to a disaster and be found to require a loan-based scholarship on an emergency basis. Students must apply within twelve months after the cause of the sudden change in their household finances occurred.

(3) JASSO disaster aid *Both undergraduate and graduate students are eligible
• To be eligible, the home where students reside or where their parents or other provider of household income resides must be flooded above floor level or at least partially destroyed. Students must apply within six months after the cause of that damage occurred (100,000 yen in aid).

2. Assistance Programs by Ritsumeikan University

(1) Ritsumeikan University tuition reduction due to sudden change in household finances <tuition reduction> *Only undergraduate students are eligible
• Undergraduate students who experienced a sudden change in household finances or were afflicted by a natural disaster are eligible. Please see the below URL for details.
• Students may apply within one year after the disaster or the cause of the sudden change in household finances occurred.

(2) Ritsumeikan University Graduate School tuition reduction due to sudden change in household finances <tuition reduction> *Only graduate students are eligible
• Graduate students who experienced a sudden change in household finances due to a disaster are eligible.
*While the acceptance period for AY2023 has closed, students afflicted by the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake may exclusively apply for this reduction. Please see the below URL for the application period and other details.
• Students may apply within one year after the cause of the sudden change in their household finances occurred.

3. Assistance Programs by Ritsumeikan University Parents Association of Student Education Assistance
(1) Disaster assistance scholarship <tuition reduction> *Only undergraduate students are eligible
• For eligibility, amount of assistance, documents to submit and other information, please see the below website.
• Students may apply within one year after the disaster occurred.

(2) Disaster condolence money <50,000 yen in aid> *Only undergraduate students are eligible
• For eligibility, amount of assistance, documents to submit and other information, please see the below website.
• Students may apply within one year after the disaster occurred.

(3) Ritsumeikan University Parents Association of Student Education Assistance scholarship for sudden change in household finances <tuition reduction> *Only undergraduate students are eligible
• To be eligible, students must have experienced a sudden change in household finances due to the provider of household income passing away or becoming unable to work due to a serious physical impairment. Please see the below URL for details.
• Students may apply within one year after the cause of the sudden change in their household finances occurred.

<For information on this matter, contact the following>
Office of Student Affairs at Kinugasa Campus
TEL: 075-465-8168 (Please contact this number if you belong to Suzaku Campus)
Office of Student Affairs at BKC    TEL: 077-561-2854
Office of Student Affairs at OIC    TEL: 072-665-2135

9:30 – 11:30, 12:30 – 17:00 (weekdays only)
12:30 – 17:00 on Tuesdays