
本学部助教・藤江隼平先生が、本学部教授・家光素行先生、真田樹義先生、東京医科大学主任教授・浜岡隆文先生と共同で取り組まれた研究が「Experimental Gerontology」に原著論文として掲載されました

この研究論文では、中高齢者を対象とした動脈硬化度に対する有酸素性トレーニングの経時的検討により、血管拡張物質・NOの調節物質(apelin, adropin, ADMA)を介したNO産生の経時的な変化が動脈硬化度の低下効果に関連することを明らかにしました。


Dr. Shumpei Fujie is an Assistant Professor in Faculty of Sport and Health Science of Ritsumeikan University, and his research manuscript was accepted and published in Experimental Gerontology, which collaborated with Professor Motoyuki Iemitsu and Kiyoshi Sanada (Ritsumeikan University), Professor and Director Takafumi Hamaoka (Tokyo Medical University).

This study revealed that aerobic exercise training-induced changes in the time course of NO production via NO-regulating hormones (apelin, adropin, and ADMA) may participate in aerobic exercise training-induced improvements of central arterial stiffening with advancing age.


 Fujie S, Sanada K, Hamaoka T, Iemitsu M. Time-dependent relationships between exercise training-induced changes in nitric oxide production and hormone regulation. Exp Gerontol. 2022; 166: 111888.
