Publications of Isao Tokuda


  1. I. Tokuda, R. Tokunaga, and K. Aihara, ``A simple geometrical structure underlying speech signals of the Japanese vowel /a/,'' International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 149-160 (1996)
  2. I. Tokuda, S. Kajiwara, R. Tokunaga, and T. Matsumoto, ``Recognizing chaotic time-waveforms in terms of a parametrized family of nonlinear predictors,'' Physica D, Vol. 95, pp. 380-395 (1996)
  3. I. Tokuda, T. Nagashima, and K. Aihara, ``Global bifurcation structure of chaotic neural networks and its application to traveling salesman problems,'' Neural Networks, Vol. 10, No. 9, pp.1673-1690 (1997)
  4. T. Nagashima, J. Miyazaki, Y. Shiroki, and I. Tokuda, ``Synchronization and its Dynamic Recombination in Associative Memory based on a Chaotic Neural Network,'' International Journal of Chaos Theory and Applications, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 1-24 (1997)
  5. S. Kajiwara, I. Tokuda, R. Tokunaga, and T. Matsumoto, ``Recognition of chaotic time-series using a parametrized family of nonlinear predictors,'' Trans. of IEICE, Vol. J79-A, No. 8, pp.1394-1403 (1996, in Japanese); Electronics and Communications in Japan: Part 3, Vol. 81, No. 3, pp. 35-46 (1998, in English)
  6. I. Tokuda, K. Onodera, R. Tokunaga, K. Aihara, and T. Nagashima, ``Global bifurcation scenario for chaotic dynamical systems that solve optimization problems and analysis of their optimization capability,'' Trans. of IEICE, Vol. J80-A, No. 6, pp.936-948 (1997, in Japanese); Electronics and Communications in Japan, Part 3, Vol. 81, No. 2, pp.1-12 (1998, in English)
  7. I. Tokuda, K. Aihara, and T. Nagashima, ``Adaptive annealing for chaotic optimization,'' Physical Review E, Vol. 58, No. 4, pp.5157-5160 (1998)
  8. I. Tokuda, A. Tamura, R. Tokunaga, K. Aihara, and T. Nagashima, ``Learning algorithm for chaotic dynamical systems that solve optimization problems,'' Trans. of IEICE, Vol. J81-A, No. 3, pp.377-388 (1998, in Japanese); Electronics and Communications in Japan, Part 3, Vol. 82, No. 3, pp.10-21 (1999, in English)
  9. I. Tokuda, R. Tokunaga, and T. Matsumoto, ``Detecting switch dynamics in chaotic time-waveform using a parametrized family of nonlinear predictors,'' Physica D, Vol. 135, pp.63-78 (2000)
  10. T. Miyano, A. Nagami, I. Tokuda, and K. Aihara, ``Detecting nonlinear determinism in voiced sounds of Japanese vowel /a/,'' International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol.10, No.8, pp.1973-1979 (2000)
  11. I. Tokuda, T. Yanai, and K. Aihara, ``Reconstruction of chaotic dynamics via a network of stochastic resonance neurons and its application to speech,'' Journal of Artificial Life and Robotics, Vol.5, No. 1, pp.33-39 (2001)
  12. I. Tokuda, T. Miyano, and K. Aihara, ``Surrogate analysis for detecting nonlinear dynamics in normal vowels,'' Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol.110, No.6, pp.3207-3217 (2001)
  13. I. Tokuda, J. Kurths, and E. Rosa, Jr., ``Learning phase synchronization from non-synchronized chaotic regimes,'' Physical Review Letters, Vol. 88, Issue 1, 014101 (2002)
  14. I. Tokuda, T. Riede, J. Neubauer, M.J. Owren, and H. Herzel, ``Nonlinear analysis of irregular animal vocalizations,'' Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol.111, No.6, pp.2908-2919 (2002)
  15. K. Aihara and I. Tokuda, ``Possible neural coding with inter-event intervals of synchronous firing,'' Physical Review E, Vol. 66, 026212 (2002) ; Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research, Vol. 4, Issue 5 (Sept. 1, 2002)
  16. I. Tokuda, R. Tokunaga, and K. Aihara, ``Back-propagation learning of infinite-dimensional dynamical systems,'' Neural Networks, Vol. 16, No. 8, pp. 1179-1193 (2003)
  17. I. Tokuda, T. Miyano, K. Aihara, ``Higher-order correlation analysis of pitch fluctuations in sustained normal vowels by the method of surrogate data,'' Trans. of IEICE, Vol. J87-A, No. 3, pp.355-363 (2004, in Japanese); Electronics and Communications in Japan, Part 3, Vol. 88, No. 1, pp. 9-17 (2005, in English)
  18. I. Tokuda, J. Kurths, E. Allaria, R. Meucci, S. Boccaletti, F. T. Arecchi, ``Predicting phase synchronization in a spiking chaotic CO$_2$ laser,'' Physical Review E, Vol. 70, 035204R (2004)
  19. I. Tokuda, H. Herzel, ``Detecting synchronizations in an asymmetric vocal fold model from time series data,'' Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, Vol. 15, 013702 (2005) ; Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research, Vol. 9, Issue 3 (Feb. 1, 2005)
  20. T. Riede, B.R. Mitchell, I. Tokuda, and M.J. Owren, ``Characterizing noise in Nonhuman Vocalizations: Acoustic analysis and human perception of barks by coyotes and dogs,'' Journal of the Acoustical Society of America Vol.118, No.1, pp.514-522 (2005)
  21. I. Tokuda, U. Parlitz, J. Kurths, ``Ensemble approach for recovering synchronization diagram from time series,'' International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol. 17, No. 10, pp. 3557-3563 (2007)
  22. T. Kanno, T. Miyano, I. Tokuda, J. Galvanovskis, and M. Wakui, ``Chaotic electrical activity of living beta-cells in the mouse pancreatic islet,'' Physica D, Vol. 226, pp.107-116 (2007)
  23. I. T. Tokuda, J. Horacek, J. G. Svec, and H. Herzel, ``Comparison of biomechanical modeling of register transitions and voice instabilities with excised larynx experiments,'' Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 122, pp. 519-531 (2007)
  24. I. T. Tokuda, S. Jain, I.Z. Kiss, J.L. Hudson, ``Inferring phase equations from multivariate time series,'' Physical Review Letters, 99, 064101 (2007) ; Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research, Vol. 14, Issue 4 (August 5, 2007)
  25. I. T. Tokuda, J. Horacek, J. G. Svec, and H. Herzel, ``Bifurcations and chaos in register transitions of excised larynx experiments,'' Chaos, Vol. 18, Issue 1, 013102 (14 January, 2008); Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research, Vol. 15, Issue 2 (Jan. 15, 2008)
  26. T. Riede, I. T. Tokuda, J.B. Munger, and S. Thompson, ``Mammalian Lryngeal Air Sacs Add Variability to the Vocal Tract Impedance - Physical and computational modeling,'' Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 124, Issue 1, pp. 634-647 (July, 8, 2008)
  27. I. T. Tokuda, D. Syamal, J. Kurths, ``Detecting anomalous phase synchronization from time series,'' Chaos, Vol. 18, Issue 2, 023134 (30 June, 2008)
  28. I. T. Tokuda, J. Kurths, I.Z. Kiss, J.L. Hudson, ``Predicting phase synchronization of non-phase-coherent chaos,'' Europhysics Letters, Vol. 83, 50003 (Sept, 2008)
  29. I. T. Tokuda, M. Zemke, M. Kob, and H. Herzel, ``Biomechanical modeling of register transitions and the role of vocal tract resonators,'' Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 127, Issue 3, pp. 1528-1536 (10 March, 2010)
  30. I. T. Tokuda, A. Wagemakers, and M. A. F. Sanjuan, ``Predicting synchronization of an electronic genetic network,'' International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol. 20, No. 6, pp. 1751-1760 (August, 2010)
  31. I. Tokuda, K. Han, K. Aihara, M. Kawato, and N. Schweighofer, ``The role of chaotic resonance in cerebellar learning,'' Neural Networks, Vol. 23, pp. 836-842 (21 July, 2010)
  32. H. Imagawa, K.-I. Sakakibara, I. T. Tokuda, M. Otsuka, and N. Tayama, ``Estimation of glottal area function using stereo-endoscopic high-speed digital imaging,'' Journal of the Phonetic Society of Japan, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 37-44 (August, 2010) (in Japanese)
  33. Craig G. Rusin, Isao Tokuda, Istvan Z. Kiss, and John L. Hudson, ``Engineering of synchronization and clustering of a population of chaotic chemical oscillators,'' Angewandte Chemie, Vol. 50, Issue 43, pp. 10212-10215 (2011)
  34. Tobias Riede, Isao T. Tokuda, Colleen G. Farmer, ``Subglottal pressure and fundamental frequency control in contact calls of juvenile Alligator mississippiensis,'' Journal of Experimental Biology, Vol. 214, pp. 3082-3095 (2011)
  35. Malte Kob, Nathalie Henrich, Hanspeter Herzel, David Howard, Isao Tokuda, and Joe Wolfe, ``Analysing and understanding the singing voice: recent progress and open questions,'' Current Bioinformatics, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 362-374 (September, 2011)
  36. Fariborz Alipour, Christoph Brücker, Douglas D. Cook, Andreas Gömel, Manfred Kaltenbacher, Willy Mattheus, Luc Mongeau, Eric Nauman, Rüdiger Schwarze, Isao Tokuda, and Stefan Zörner, ``Mathematical models and numerical schemes for the simulation of human phonation,'' Current Bioinformatics, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 323-343 (September, 2011)
  37. H. Fukuda, I. Tokuda, S. Hashimoto, N. Hayasaka, ``Quantitative analysis of phase wave of gene expression in the mammalian central circadian clock network,'' PLoS ONE, Vol. 6, No. 8, e23568 (August 26, 2011)
  38. Fumihiko Asano, Ryosuke Inoue, Daiki Tanaka, Isao Tokuda, ``Passive dynamic walking of combined rimless wheel and its efficiency analysis: Speeding-up by adjustment of phase difference between fore and hind legs,'' Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan, Vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 107-116 (2012)
  39. Isao Tokuda, Akihiro Kuwahara, ``Synchronization analysis of choir singing,'' Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications, IEICE, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 215-221 (April, 2012)
  40. Hiroki Koda, Takeshi Nishimura, Isao T. Tokuda, Chisako Oyakawa, Toshikuni Nihonmatsu, Nobuo Masataka, ``Soprano singing in gibbons,'' American Journal of Physical Anthropology, Vol. 149, pp. 347-355 (November, 2012)
  41. Nana N Takasu, Gen Kurosawa, Isao T. Tokuda, Atsushi Mochizuki, Takeshi Todo, Wataru Nakamura, ``Circadian regulation of food-anticipatory activity in molecular clock-deficient mice,'' PLoS ONE, Vol. 7, No. 11, e48892 (November 7, 2012)
  42. Isao T. Tokuda, Huu Hoang, Nicolas Schweighofer, Mitsuo Kawato, ``Adaptive coupling of inferior olive neurons in cerebellar learning,'' Neural Networks, Vol. 47, pp. 42-50 (November, 2013)
  43. Miho Onizuka, Huu Hoang, Mitsuo Kawato, Isao T. Tokuda, Nicolas Schweighofer, Yuichi Katori, Kazuyuki Aihara, Eric J. Lang, and Keisuke Toyama, ``Solution to the inverse problem of estimating gap-junctional and inhibitory conductance in inferior olive neurons from the spike trains by network model simulation,'' Neural Networks, Vol. 47, pp. 51-63 (November, 2013)
  44. Hirokazu Fukuda, Haruhiko Murase, Isao T. Tokuda, ``Controlling circadian rhythms by dark-pulse perturbations in Arabidopsis thaliana,'' Scientific Reports, Vol. 3, 1533 (March, 2013)
  45. Isao T. Tokuda, Mahesh Wickramasinghe, Istvan Z. Kiss, ``Detecting connectivity of small, dense oscillator networks from dynamical measurements based on a phase modeling approach,'' Physics Letters A, Vol. 377, pp. 1862-1867 (June 6, 2013) DOI: 10.1016/j.physleta.2013.05.016
  46. Isao T. Tokuda, Masahiro Iwawaki, Ken-Ichi Sakakibara, Hiroshi Imagawa, Takaharu Nito, Tatsuya Yamasoba, Niro Tayama, ``Reconstructing three-dimensional vocal fold movement via stereo matching,'' Acoustical Science and Technology, Vol. 34, No. 5, pp. 374-377 (2013)
  47. Daiki Tanaka, Fumihiko Asano, and Isao Tokuda, ``Gait analysis and efficiency improvement of combined rimless wheel with wobbling mass,'' SICE, Vol. 49, No. 9, pp. 865-874 (2013)
  48. Fumihiko Asano and Isao Tokuda, ``Indirectly controlled limit cycle walking of combined rimless wheel based on entrainment to active wobbling motion,'' Multibody System Dynamics, Vol. 32 (2014)
  49. Ritsuko Matsumura, Yoshiki Tsuchiya, Isao Tokuda, Eisuke Nishida and Makoto Akashi, ``The mammalian circadian clock protein Period counteracts Cryptochrome in phosphorylation dynamics of Circadian locomotor output cycles kaput (CLOCK),'' Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol. 289, No. 46, pp. 32064-32072 (Sept. 30, 2014)
  50. Isao Tokuda, ``Nonlinear science of singing voice,'' Acoustical Society of Japan, Vol. 70, No. 9, pp. 512-518 (2014)
  51. Hisashi Kada, Hiromasa Hojyo, Isao T. Tokuda, ``Synchronization of coupled Stirling engines,'' Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications, IEICE, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 466-465 (Oct, 2014)
  52. David E. Sommer, Isao T. Tokuda, Sean D. Peterson, Ken-Ichi Sakakibara, Hiroshi Imagawa, Akihito Yamauchi, Takaharu Nito, Tatsuya Yamasoba, Niro Tayama, ``Estimation of inferior-superior vocal fold kinematics from high-speed stereo endoscopy data in vivo,'' Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 136, pp. 3290-3300 (2014)
  53. Tobias Riede, Zhiheng Li, Isao Tokuda, Colleen Farmer, ``Anatomy and mechanical properties of the Alligator mississipiensis larynx,'' Journal of Experimental Biology, Vol. 218, pp. 991-998 (2015)
  54. T. Ohara, H. Fukuda, I. T. Tokuda, ``Phase Response of the Arabidopsis thaliana Circadian Clock to Light Pulses of Different Wavelengths,'' Journal of Biological Rhythms, Vol. 30, No. 2, pp. 95-103 (April, 2015)
  55. Huu Hoang, Okito Yamashita, Isao T. Tokuda, Masa-aki Sato, Mitsuo Kawato, Keisuke Toyama, ``Segmental Bayesian Estimation of Gap-junctional and Inhibitory Conductance of Inferior Olive Neurons from Spike Trains with Complicated Dynamics,'' Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 9:56. doi: 10.3389/fncom.2015.00056 (May, 2015)
  56. Hiroki Koda, Isao T. Tokuda, Masumi Wakita, Tsuyoshi Ito, Takeshi Nishimura, ``The Source-filter Theory of Whistle-like Calls in Marmosets: Acoustic Analysis and Simulation of Helium-modulated Voices,'' Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 137, pp. 3068-3076 (June, 2015)
  57. Huu Hoang and Isao T. Tokuda, ``Validation of the Minimum Error Method for Estimating Model Parameters from Neural Spike Train Data,'' Journal of Signal Processing, Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 111-114 (July, 2015)
  58. Hisashi Kada, Jun-Nosuke Teramae, and Isao T. Tokuda, ``Synchronized Firing Induced by Correlated Bidirectional Couplings in a Neural Network Model for Spontaneous Activity,'' Journal of Signal Processing, Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 107-110 (July, 2015)
  59. Takayuki Ohara, Hirokazu Fukuda, Isao T. Tokuda, ``An extended mathematical model for reproducing the phase response of Arabidopsis thaliana under various light conditions,'' Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol. 382, pp. 337-344. doi: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2015.07.016 (7 Oct, 2015)
  60. Nana N. Takasu, Takahiro J. Nakamura, Isao T. Tokuda, Takeshi Todo, Gene D. Block, and Wataru Nakamura, ``Recovery from irregular estrous cycles under optimal circadian periods,'' Cell Reports, Vol. 12, No. 9, pp. 1407-1413 (Sept. 1, 2015)
  61. Takahiro J. Nakamura, Wataru Nakamura, Isao T. Tokuda, Takahiro Ishikawa, Takashi Kudo, Christopher S. Colwell, Gene D. Block, ``Age-related changes in the circadian system unmasked by constant conditions,'' eNeuro, Vol. 2, No. 4, doi: 10.1523/ENEURO.0064-15.2015 (June, 2015)
  62. Isao T. Tokuda, Daisuke Ono, Bharath Ananthasubramaniam, Sato Honma, Ken-Ichi Honma, Hanspeter Herzel, ``Coupling controls the synchrony of clock cells in development and knockouts,'' Biophysical Journal, Vol. 109, No. 10, pp. 2159-2170 (Nov. 17, 2015)
  63. Kimberly A Stevens, Ryo Shimamura, Hiroshi Imagawa, Ken-Ichi Sakakibara, Isao T. Tokuda, ``Validating stereo-endoscopy with a synthetic vocal fold model,'' Acta Acustica united with Acustica, Vol. 102, No. 4, pp. 745-751 (July/August, 2016)
  64. Hisashi Kada, Jun-nosuke Teramae, Isao T Tokuda, ``Effective suppression of pathological synchronization in cortical networks by highly heterogeneous distribution of inhibitory connections,'' Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 10:109. doi: 10.3389/fncom.2016.00109 (Oct, 2016)
  65. Hisashi Kada, Kei Kondo, Shota Sumino, Isao T. Tokuda ``Experimental study on synchronization of sound-coupled electronic metronomes,'' Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications, IEICE, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 15-24 (Jan, 2017)
  66. Hisashi Kada, Isao T. Tokuda, ``Experimental verification of desynchronization of neurons via heterogeneous inhibitory connections,'' IEICE Transactions Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol. 100-A, No. 2, pp. 611-618 (Feb, 2017)
  67. Kishin Migimatsu, Hisashi Kada, Isao T. Tokuda ``Experimental study on entrainment of Stirling engines to an external pacemaker,'' Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications, IEICE, Vol. E8N, No. 3, pp. 246-254 (July, 2017)
  68. Satoshi Koinuma, Hiroshi Kori, Isao T Tokuda, Kazuhiro Yagita, Yasufumi Shigeyoshi ``Transition of phase response properties and singularity in the circadian limit cycle of cultured cells,'' PLOS ONE, Vol. 12, No. 7, e0181223 (2017).
  69. Isao T. Tokuda, Akihiko Okamoto, Ritsuko Matsumura, Toru Takumi, and Makoto Akashi ``Potential contribution of tandem circadian enhancers to nonlinear oscillations in clock gene expression,'' Molecular Biology of the Cell, Vol. 28, No. 17, pp. 2333-2342 (2017).
  70. Kiichi Yoshinaka, Ai Yamaguchi, Ritsuko Matsumura, Koichi Node, Isao T. Tokuda, Makoto Akashi, ``Effect of different light-dark schedules on estrous cycle in mice, and implications for mitigating the adverse impact of night work,'' Genes Cells. doi:10.1111/gtc.12522 (2017).
  71. Bret Pasch, Isao T. Tokuda, and Tobias Riede, ``Grasshopper mice employ distinct vocal production mechanisms in different social contexts,'' Proceedings of the Royal Society B, Vol. 284, 20171158 (July 19, 2017)
  72. Isao T. Tokuda and Ryo Shimamura, ``Effect of level difference between left and right vocal folds on phonation: Physical experiment and theoretical study,'' Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 142, No. 2, pp. 482-492 (August 17, 2017)
  73. Isao T. Tokuda, Huu Hoang, and Mitsuo Kawato, ``New Insights into Olivo-Cerebellar Circuits for Learning from a Small Training Sample,'' Current Opinion in Neurobiology, Vol. 46, pp. 58-67 (2017).
  74. Ryo Shimamura and Isao T. Tokuda, ``Experimental study on level difference between left and right vocal folds,'' Acoustical Science and Technology, Vol. 38, No. 5, pp. 264-267 (October, 2017)
  75. Shutaro Kondo, Hiroshi Gotoda, Takaya Miyano, Isao T. Tokuda, ``Chaotic dynamics of large-scale double-diffusive convection in a porous medium,'' Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, Vol. 364, pp. 1-7 (February, 2017)
  76. Kosaku Masuda, Ryota Kitaoka, Kazuya Ukai, Isao T. Tokuda, Hirokazu Fukuda, ``Multicellularity enriches the entrainment of Arabidopsis circadian clock,'' Science Advances, Vol. 3, No. 10, e1700808 (October, 2017)
  77. Kazushi Takagi, Hiroshi Gotoda, Isao T. Tokuda, Takaya Miyano, ``Nonlinear dynamics of a buoyancy-induced turbulent fire,'' Physical Review E, Vol. 96, 052223 (November, 2017)
  78. Arisa Hirano, Yuka Miyoshi, Isao T. Tokuda, Hikari Yoshitane, Junichiro Matsuda, Yoshitaka Fukada, Naoto Hayasaka ``Salt-inducible kinase 3 regulates the mammalian circadian clock by destabilizing PER2 protein,'' eLife, Vol. 6, e24779 (December 11, 2017)
  79. Isao T. Tokuda, ``Nonlinear dynamics in mammalian voice production,'' Anthropological Science, Vol. 126(1), pp. 35-41 (April, 2018)
  80. Kazushi Takagi, Hiroshi Gotoda, Takaya Miyano, Shogo Murayama, Isao T. Tokuda ``Synchronization of two coupled turbulent fires,'' Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, Vol. 28, 045116 (April, 2018)
  81. Shogo Murayama, Hikaru Kinugawa, Isao T. Tokuda, Hiroshi Gotoda ``Characterization and detection of thermoacoustic combustion oscillations based on statistical complexity and complex-network theory,'' Physical Review E, Vol. 97, 022223 (February, 2018)
  82. Peter D. Gould, Mirela Domijan, Mark Greenwood, Isao T. Tokuda, Hannah Rees, Laszlo Kozma-Bognar, Anthony J. Hall, James C. W. Locke, ``Coordination of robust single cell rhythms in the Arabidopsis circadian clock via spatial waves of gene expression,'' eLife, Vol. , e31700 (April 26, 2018)
  83. Hiroshi Gotoda, Kazushi Takagi, Isao T. Tokuda, Takaya Miyano, ``Complexity and synchronization of spatiotemporal structure in a buoyancy-induced turbulent fire,'' Journal of the Combustion Society of Japan, Vol.60 No.192, 83-92 (2018)
  84. Shuto Mizuta, Mizuki Sugiyama, Isao T. Tokuda, Wataru Nakamura, Takahiro J. Nakamura, ``Photic phase-response curves for cycling female mice,'' Hormones and Behavior, Vol. 105, 41-46 (September, 2018)
  85. Longchuan Li, Isao Tokuda and Fumihiko Asano ``Nonlinear analysis of an indirectly controlled limit cycle walker,'' Artificial Life and Robotics (September, 2018)
  86. Ryota Inden, Kazuyoshi Ishimura, Isao T. Tokuda, ``Synchronization of two coupled crystal oscillators,'' Journal of signal processing, Vol. 22, No. 4, 147-151 (25 July, 2018)
  87. Ai Yamaguchi, Muneto Tatsumoto, Ritsuko Matsumura, Takuyuki Endo, Koichi Hirata, Isao Tokuda, Makoto Akashi, ``Normal peripheral circadian phase in the old-old with abnormal circadian behavior,'' Genes Cells., Vol. 23, Issue 10, pp. 849-859 (Aug 7., 2018)
  88. Kazushi Takagi, Isao T Tokuda, Takaya Miyano, Hiroshi Gotoda, ``Dynamic behavior of temperature field in a buoyancy-driven turbulent fire,'' Physics Letters A Vol. 382, No. 44, 3181-3186 (9 November, 2018)
  89. Isao T. Tokuda, Daisuke Ono, Sato Honma, Ken-Ichi Honma, Hanspeter Herzel, ``Coherency of circadian rhythms in the SCN is governed by the interplay of two coupling factors,'' PLOS Computational Biology, 14(12): e1006607 (10 December, 2018)
  90. Hisashi Kada, Jun-nosuke Teramae, Isao T Tokuda, ``Highly Heterogeneous Excitatory Connections Require Less Amount of Noise to Sustain Firing Activities in Cortical Networks,'' Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 12:104 (2018)
  91. Isao T. Tokuda, Ozgur E. Akman, James C. W. Locke, ``Reducing the Complexity of Mathematical Models for the Plant Circadian Clock by Distributed Delays,'' Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol. 463, pp. 155-166 (2018)
  92. Masahiro Okada, Tokihiko Kaburagi, Isao Tokuda, ``Acoustic measurements of the infinitesimal phase response curve from a sounding organ pipe,'' Physics Letters A, 383 (15), pp. 1733-1741 (May, 2019)
  93. Kazuyoshi Ishimura, Isao T. Tokuda, ``Limited effect of noise injection on synchronization of crystal oscillators,'' Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers, Vol 29 No. 2, 2050026 (February 2020)
  94. Longchuan Li, Fumihiko Asano, Isao Tokuda, ``High-speed sliding locomotion generation on slippery surface of an indirectly controlled robot with viscoelastic body,'' IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Vol. 4, Issue 3, pp. 2950-2957 (July, 2019)
  95. Kishin Migimatsu and Isao T. Tokuda, ``Experimental study on nonlinear source-filter interaction using synthetic vocal fold models,'' Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 146, pp. 983-997 (August 7, 2019)
  96. Longchuan Li, Fumihiko Asano, Isao Tokuda, ``High-frequency vibration of leg masses for improving gait stability of compass walking on slippery downhill,'' J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.31, No.4, pp. 621-628 (August 20, 2019)
  97. Christoph Schmal, Daisuke Ono, Jihwan Myung, J. Patrick Pett, Sato Honma, Ken-Ichi Honma, Hanspeter Herzel, Isao T. Tokuda, ``Weak coupling between intracellular feedback loops explains dissociation of clock gene dynamics,'' PLOS Computational Biology 15(9): e1007330 (Sept. 12, 2019)
  98. Isao T. Tokuda, Zoran Levnajic, Kazuyoshi Ishimura, ``A practical method for estimating coupling functions in complex dynamical systems,'' Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 20190015 (2019)
  99. Anne Bouvet, Isao Tokuda, Xavier Pelorson, and Annemie Van Hirtum, ``Inuence of level dierence due to vocal folds angular asymmetry on auto-oscillating replicas,'' Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 147, pp. 1136-1145 (Feb, 2020)
  100. Christian T. Herbst, Takeshi Nishimura, Maxime Garcia, Kishin Migimatsu, Isao T. Tokuda, ``Effect of ventricular folds on vocalization fundamental frequency in domestic pigs (Sus scrofa domesticus),'' Journal of Voice, Volume 35 (Issue 5), pp. 805.e1-805.e15 (September 2021)
  101. Isao T. Tokuda, Christoph Schmal, Bharath Ananthasubramaniam and Hanspeter Herzel, ``Conceptual models of entrainment, jet lag, and seasonality,'' Frontiers in Physiology, 11, 334 (April, 2020)
  102. Naohiro Kawamoto, Hiroshi Ito, Isao T. Tokuda, Hideo Iwasaki, ``Damped circadian oscillation in the absence of KaiA in Synechococcus,'' Nature Communications, 11, 2242 (May, 2020)
  103. Longchuan Li, Isao Tokuda, Fumihiko Asano ``Energy-efficient locomotion generation and theoretical analysis of a quasi-passive dynamic walker,'' IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 5(3), 4305-4312 (July, 2020)
  104. Takuyuki Endo, Ritsuko Matsumura, Isao T. Tokuda, Tomoko Yoshikawa, Yasufumi Shigeyoshi, Koichi Node, Saburo Sakoda, Makoto Akashi, ``Bright light improves sleep in patients with Parkinson's disease: possible role of circadian restoration,'' Scientific Reports, 10, 7982 (May, 2020)
  105. Huu Hoang, Eric J. Lang, Yoshito Hirata, Isao T. Tokuda, Kazuyuki Aihara, Keisuke Toyama, Mitsuo Kawato, Nicolas Schweighofer, ``Electrical coupling controls dimensionality and chaotic firing of inferior olive neurons,'' PLOS Computational Biology, 16(7), e1008075 (July, 2020)
  106. Kazuyoshi Ishimura, Ryota Inden, Naoto Komeno, Isao T. Tokuda, ``Asymmetric entrainment structure of Pierce oscillator circuit,'' Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers, Vol 30, No. 4, 2150066 (March 2021)
  107. Takayuki Ohara, Takahiro J. Nakamura, Wataru Nakamura, Isao T. Tokuda, ``Modeling circadian regulation of ovulation timing: Age-related disruption of estrous cyclicity,'' Scientific Reports, 10, 16767 (October, 2020)
  108. Anne Bouvet, Isao Tokuda, Xavier Pelorson, and Annemie Van Hirtum, ``Imaging of auto-oscillating vocal folds replicas with left-right level difference due to angular asymmetry,'' Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, Vol. 63, 102154 (Jan, 2021)
  109. Makoto Akashi, Reimi Sogawa, Ritsuko Matsumura, Atsuhiro Nishida, Rino Nakamura, Isao T. Tokuda, Koichi Node, ``A detection method for latent circadian rhythm sleep-wake disorder,'' EBioMedicine, Vol. 62, 103080 (Dec, 2020)
  110. Takuma Matsumoto, Mayuka Kanaya, Kazuyoshi Ishimura, Isao T. Tokuda, ``Experimental study of vocal-ventricular fold oscillations in voice production,'' Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 149, pp. 271-284 (12 Jan, 2021)
  111. Kosaku Masuda, Isao T. Tokuda, Norihito Nakamichi, Hirokazu Fukuda, ``The singularity response reveals entrainment properties of the plant circadian clock,'' Nature Communications, 12, 864 (8 Feb, 2021)
  112. Longchuan Li, Shugen Ma, Isao Tokuda, Fumihiko Asano, Makoto Nokata, Yang Tian, Liang Du, ``Generation of efficient rectilinear gait based on dynamic morphological computation and its theoretical analysis,'' IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Vol. 6, Issue 2, pp. 841-848 (18 Jan, 2021)
  113. Isao T. Tokuda, ``The Source/Filter Theory of Speech,'' In the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics. Oxford University Press (2021)
  114. Isao T. Tokuda, ``Nonlinear Dynamics and Temporal Analysis,'' Comparative Bioacoustics: An Overview, pp. 336-357 (2017)
  115. Longchuan Li, Isao T. Tokuda, Fumihiko Asano and Cong Yan, ``Nonlinear Analysis and Control of Quasi-passive Dynamic Walker Based on Entrainment Effect,'' In Recent Trends in Chaotic, Nonlinear and Complex Dynamics, Chapter 18: pp. 514-530 (World Scientific Series on Nonlinear Science Series B: Volume 19, 2021)
  116. Takumi Tokami, Masaharu Toyoda, Takaya Miyano, Isao T. Tokuda, Hiroshi Gotoda, ``Effect of gravity on synchronization of two coupled buoyancy-induced turbulent flames,'' Physical Review E, Vol. 104, 024218 (1 August, 2021).
  117. Annemie Van Hirtum, Anne Bouvet, Isao Tokuda, Xavier Pelorson, ``Dynamic vibration mode decomposition of auto-oscillating vocal fold replicas without and with vertical tilting,'' Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 516, 116504 (6 Jan., 2022).
  118. Takuma Matsumoto, Mayuka Kanaya, Daisuke Matsushima, Cong Han, Isao T. Tokuda, ``Synchronized and desynchronized dynamics observed from physical models of the vocal and ventricular folds,'' Journal of Voice, Vol. 38, No. 3, 572-584 (April, 2024) (online 10 Dec, 2021)
  119. Hiroto Hasegawa, Tokumi Nakagawa, Kohei Noguchi, Isao T. Tokuda, ``Experimental study on inspiratory phonation using physical model of the vocal folds,'' Journal of Voice, Vol. 38, No. 4, 826-835 (July, 2024)
  120. Mark Greenwood, Isao T. Tokuda, James C. W. Locke, ``A spatial model of the plant circadian clock reveals design principles for coordinated timing under noisy environments,'' Molecular Systems Biology, 18: e10140 (21 March, 2022) featured by Rastogi, A. ``Modeling plant circadian clocks'' in Nat Comput Sci (21 April, 2022).
  121. Takuto Honda, Mayuka Kanaya, Isao T. Tokuda, Anne Bouvet, Annemie Van Hirtum, Xavier Pelorson, ``Experimental study on quasi-steady approximation of glottal flows,'' Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 151 (5): 3129-3139 (10 May, 2022).
  122. Kota Shiozawa, Takaya Miyano, Isao T. Tokuda, ``Data synchronization via node degree in a network of coupled phase oscillators,'' NOLTA, 13 (3): 534-543 (July, 2022).
  123. Taiki Hayashi, Kazuyoshi Ishimura, Isao T. Tokuda, ``Experimental study on synchronization of Van der Pol oscillator circuit by noise sounds,'' IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, E105-A, 11, pp. 1486-1492 (Nov, 2022).
  124. Muneto Tatsumoto, Ritsuko Matsumura, Takuyuki Endo, Isao T Tokuda, Koichi Node, and Makoto Akashi, ``Potential negative effect of total parenteral nutrition on the human circadian clock,'' Genes Cells, 27, pp. 613-620 (2022)
  125. Takeshi Nishimura, Isao T. Tokuda, Shigehiro Miyachi, Jacob C. Dunn, Christian T. Herbst, Kazuyoshi Ishimura, Akihisa Kaneko, Yuki Kinoshita, Hiroki Koda, Jaap P. P. Saer, Hirohiko Imai, Tetsuya Matsuda, Ole Næsbye Larsen, Uwe Jürgens, Hideki Hirabayashi, Shozo Kojima, W. Tecumseh Fitch, ``Evolutionary loss of complexity in human vocal anatomy as an adaptation for speech,'' Science, 377: 760-763 (12 August, 2022); Featured by Harold Gouzoules, ``When less is more in the evolution of language,'' in Science; Reported in Science (Michael Price, ``Your simple throat is the reason you don't sound like a chimp'') , New York Times (Oliver Whang, ``All Hooting Aside: Did a vocal evolution give rise to language?'') , The Guardian (``How quirk of primate evolution gave humans the voice apes lack'') etc.
  126. Christian Thomas Herbst, Coen PH Elemans, Isao T Tokuda, Vasileios Chatziioannou, Jan G Svec, ``Dynamic system coupling in voice production,'' Journal of Voice (1 Feb., 2023)
  127. Mayuka Kanaya, Takuma Matsumoto, Taisuke Uemura, Rei Kawabata, Takeshi Nishimura, and Isao T. Tokuda, ``Physical modeling of the vocal membranes and their influence on animal voice production,'' JASA Express Letters, 2(11), 111201 (3rd Nov, 2022)
  128. Christoph Schmal, Sungho Hong, Isao T. Tokuda, and Jihwan Myung, ``Editorial: Coupling in Biological Systems: Definitions, Mechanisms, and Implications,'' Frontiers in Network Physiology, 2, 1076702 (13 December, 2022)
  129. Florian Grziwotz, Chun-Wei Chang, Vasilis Dakos, Egbert H. van Nes, Markus Schwarzlaender, Oliver Kamps, Martin Hess, Isao T. Tokuda, Arndt Telschow, Chih-hao Hsieh, ``Anticipating the occurrence and type of critical transitions,'' Science Advances, 9(1), eabq4558 (6th January, 2023)
  130. Kota Shiozawa, Taisuke Uemura, and Isao T. Tokuda, ``Detecting the dynamical instability of complex time series via partitioned entropy,'' Physical Review E, 107, 014207 (11 January, 2023)
  131. Rintaro Miyazaki, Tomoki Yoshitani, Mayuka Kanaya, Shigehiro Miyachi, Akihisa Kaneko, Yuki Kinoshita, Kanta Nakamura, Takeshi Nishimura, Isao T. Tokuda, ``Ventricular fold oscillations lower the vocal pitch in rhesus macaques,'' J. Exp. Biol. 226 (12): jeb245630 (21 June, 2023)
  132. Cong Yan, Longchuan Li, Wataru Yanagimoto, Zhicheng Feng, and Isao Tokuda, ``Modeling and optimization of an arc-shaped sliding locomotion robot with wobbling mass,'' Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Vol. 35, No. 4, pp. 1063-1072 (20 August, 2023)
  133. Tsukasa Yoshinaga, Yusuke Yamaya, Tomoya Minami, Hiroki Obata, Haruki Tsuchida, Tomoki Yoshitani, Isao T. Tokuda, Akiyoshi Iida, ``Effects of vocal fold oscillation characteristics on the aerosol droplet production,'' Journal of Aerosol Science, 174, 106251 (November, 2023)
  134. Alan Zigler, Stephanie Straw, Isao Tokuda, Ellen Bronson, Tobias Riede, ``Critical calls: Circadian and seasonal periodicity in vocal activity in a breeding colony of Panamanian golden frogs (Atelopus zeteki),'' PLoS ONE, Vol. 18, No. 8, e0286582 (17 August, 2023)
  135. Nobuya Koike, Yasuhiro Umemura, Hitoshi Inokawa, Isao Tokuda, Yoshiki Tsuchiya, Yuh Sasawaki, Atsushi Umemura, Naoko Masuzawa, Kazuya Yabumoto, Takashi Seya, Akira Sugimoto, Seung-Hee Yoo, Zheng Chen and Kazuhiro Yagita, ``Inter-individual variations in circadian misalignment-induced NAFLD pathophysiology in mice,'' iScience, 108934 (5 Feb, 2024)
  136. Kanta Nakamura, Mayuka Kanaya, Daisuke Matsushima, Jacob C. Dunn, Hideki Hirabayashi, Kiminori Sato, Isao T. Tokuda, and Takeshi Nishimura, ``Twin vocal folds as a novel evolutionary adaptation for vocal communications in lemurs,'' Scientific Reports, 14, 3631 (14 Feb., 2024)
  137. Takumi Inoue, Kota Shiozawa, Takuma Matsumoto, Mayuka Kanaya, and Isao T. Tokuda, ``Nonlinear dynamics and chaos in a vocal-ventricular fold system,'' Chaos, 34, 023134 (22 Feb., 2024)
  138. Kota Shiozawa and Isao T. Tokuda, ``Estimating Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy from time series of high-dimensional complex systems,'' Physics Letters A (26 April, 2024)
  139. Shingo Gibo, Yoshifumi Yamaguchi, Elena O. Gracheva, Sviatoslav N. Bagriantsev, Isao T. Tokuda, and Gen Kurosawa, ``Frequency-modulated timer regulates torpor-arousal cycles during hibernation in distinct small mammalian hibernators,'' npj Biological Timing and Sleep, volume 1, Article number: 3 (2 July, 2024)
  140. Longchuan Li, Shugen Ma, Isao Tokuda, Zaiyang Liu, Zhenxuan Ma, Yang Tian, Shuai Kang, ``Embodying rather than Encoding: Towards Developing a Source-filter Theory for Undulation Gait Generation,'' Biomimetic Intelligence and Robotics, volume 4, issue 3, 100173 (Sept, 2024)
  141. Kosaku Masuda, Isao T. Tokuda, Hirokazu Fukuda, ``Recovering detailed shape of phase response curves from the higher harmonics of singularity response,'' Phys. Rev. Research, Vol. 6, 043174 (Nov, 2024)
  142. Isao T. Tokuda, ``The vocal membranes may explain why humans are so talkative,'' NCVS Insights, Vol. 2(7), pp. 1-2 (14 Dec, 2024) DOI:
  143. Yanqiu Zheng, Fumihiko Asano, Cong Yan, Longchuan Li, Isao T. Tokuda, ``Tensegrity-based legged robot generates passive walking, skipping, and crawling gaits in accordance with environment,'' IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics (10th Jan, 2025) DOI:
  144. Preprints

Conference Proceedings

  1. Longchuan Li, Isao Tokuda, Fumihiko Asano, ``Optimal input waveform for an indirectly controlled limit cycle walker,'' 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)
  2. Longchuan Li, Fumihiko Asano, Isao Tokuda, ``Nonlinear analysis of an indirectly controlled sliding locomotion robot,'' 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)
  3. Longchuan Li, Isao Tokuda, Fumihiko Asano, ``Optimal Fast Entrainment Waveform for Indirectly Controlled Limit Cycle Walker Against External Disturbances,'' International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2020
  4. Longchuan Li, Shugen Ma, Isao Tokuda, Makoto Nokata, Yang Tian, Liang Du, Zhiqing Li, ``A Mathematical Design for a Novel Walking Support Device That Leverages Passive Dynamics and Coupling Effects,'' ICRA2022
  5. Longchuan Li, Shugen Ma, Isao Tokuda, Yang Tian, Zhiqing Li, ``Morphology-actuation Entrainment Optimizes Quadruped Dynamic Walking Spontaneously,'' IROS2022
  6. Longchuan Li, Shugen Ma, Isao Tokuda, Yang Tian, Yiming Cao, Makoto Nokata, Zhiqing Li, ``Embodying Rather Than Encoding: Undulation with Binary Input'' IROS2022
  7. Yanqiu Zheng, Cong Yan, Fumihiko Asano, and Isao T. Tokuda, ``Modeling and Gait Analysis of Passive Rimless Wheel with Compliant Feet,'' IROS2024

Book, Chapters

  1. T. Matsumoto, R. Tokunaga, T. Miyano, I. Tokuda, ``Chaos and Time Series,'' (Baifukan, 2002) (in Japanese)
  2. I. Tokuda, R. Tokunaga, K. Aihara, ``Laryngeal Vibrations: Towards Understanding Causes of Irregularities in Speech Signals of Vowel Sounds,'' in Towards the Harnessing of Chaos (M. Yamaguti Ed., Elsevier, 1994) pp.413-418
  3. I. Tokuda, K. Aihara, ``Laryngeal Vibrations as an Underlying Cause of Irregularities in Speech Signals of Vowel Sounds,'' in Nonlinear Dynamics: New Theoretical and Applied Results (J. Awrejcewicz Ed., Akademie Verlag Berlin, 1995) pp.393-403
  4. I. Tokuda, R. Tokunaga, ``Estimation of a Parametrized Family of Chaotic Dynamcs,'' in Chaos in Circuits and Systems (World Scientific Series on Nonlinear Science, Series B, Vol. 11) (G. Chen and T. Ueta Eds., World Scientific, 2002) Chap. 25, pp.529-546
  5. I. Tokuda, J. Kurths, ``Predicting Phase Synchronization from Non-Synchronized Chaotic Data,'' in Experimental Chaos (AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 622) (S. Boccaletti, B. J. Gluckman, J. Kurths, L. M. Prcora, M. L. Spano Eds., American Institute of Physics, New York, 2002) pp. 184-189
  6. I. Tokuda, U. Parlitz, L. Illing, M. Kennel, H. D. I. Abarbanel, ``Parameter Estimation for Neuron Models,'' in Experimental Chaos (AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 676) (V. In, L. Kocarev, T. L. Carroll, B. J. Gluckman, S. Boccaletti, J. Kurths Eds., American Institute of Physics, 2003) pp. 252-256
  7. I. Tokuda, J. Kurths, E. Allaria, R. Meucci, S. Boccaletti, F. T. Arecchi, ``Predicting Phase Synchronization for Homoclinic Chaos in a CO$_2$ Laser,'' in Experimental Chaos (AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 742) (S. Boccaletti, B. J. Gluckman, J. Kurths, L. M. Prcora, R. Meucci, O. Yordanov Eds., American Institute of Physics, New York, 2004) pp. 345-350
  8. Tohru Ikeguchi, Isao Tokuda, ``FOREWORD,'' Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications, IEICE, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp.112 (April, 2012)

Proceedings Papers

Japanese Articles

This page is written by I. Tokuda

updated on 3 Jan., 2022