
本学部助教 前大純朗先生の研究が「European Journal of Sport Science」に原著論文として掲載されました。

本学部助教 前大純朗先生が、本学部教授 伊坂忠夫先生、特任助教 杉山敬先生、学部生 呉宇航さん、卒業生 ⻩猛さん、本研究科博士課程後期課程 大学院生 草川祐生さん、博士課程前期課程 修了生 桜井洸さん、鹿屋体育大学学長 金久博昭先生と共同で取り組まれた研究「Triceps brachii hypertrophy is substantially greater after elbow extension training performed in the overhead versus neutral arm position」が、「European Journal of Sport Science」に原著論文として掲載されました。



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Sumiaki Maeo is an Assistant Professor in SHS, and his research manuscript “Triceps brachii hypertrophy is substantially greater after elbow extension training performed in the overhead versus neutral arm position” has been published in European Journal of Sport Science. In this study, he collaborated with Tadao Isaka (Professor in SHS), Takashi Sugiyama (Assistant Professor in SHS), Yuhang Wu (Undergraduate Student in SHS), Meng Huang (Graduate in SHS), Yuki Kusagawa (Graduate Student in SHS), Hikaru Sakurai (Graduate in master’s SHS), and Hiroaki Kanehisa (President at the National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Kanoya).


The triceps brachii is lengthened more in a overhead (shoulder-flexed) than neutral arm position, due to its bi-articular nature crossing the elbow and shoulder joints. This study demonstrated that triceps brachii muscle size was 1.4-fold more effectively increased by cable elbow extension training performed in the overhead than neutral arm position, suggesting that training at long muscle lengths promotes muscle hypertrophy. The results of this study will be directly useful in establishing training and rehabilitation programs aiming to maximize hypertrophy and counteract age-related sarcopenia of this muscle, while also being a good foundation for developing future studies using a similar approach with other muscles.


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