


トップ > プロジェクト研究2011年度 > グローバル化とアジアの観光 > 第1回



テーマ 「中国雲南省ペー族村落の観光化と村人意識の変容」
報告者 雨森 直也(立命館大学大学院 文学研究科 後期課程)


雨森 直也

テーマ 「コミュニティ・ツーリズムへの期待とその実態―インドネシア・バリ州の事例―」
報告者 井澤 友美(立命館大学大学院 国際関係学研究科 後期課程)


井澤 友美

テーマ 「The Characteristics of Hawkers in Rizal Park, Manila, Philippines: Findings Obtained from the 2007 Interview Survey and the 2008 Follow-Up Study 」
報告者 Yukio Yotsumoto(College of Asia Pacific Studies, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University)

 Rizal Park in Manila is probably the best known urban park in the Philippines. It attracts strollers and domestic and international tourists. In this park, many hawkers sell their goods to visitors. Hawkers in the developing countries are often regarded as people belonging to the informal sector and researchers studied them in order to understand the nature of the informal sector. In this presentation, I try to describe the hawkers in Rizal Park whose informal status overlaps with the formal sector due to their legal right to work in the park. I conducted an interview survey in the summer of 2007 to 40 hawkers working in the park with the help of two Filipino research assistants. Each survey took one to two hours. Also, I conducted follow-up interviews in the summer of 2008.
 The general profiles of the hawkers in the park indicate that they are dominantly female (70 %) with less education (53 % below high school) and 12 percent of them do not own or rent houses. This indicates that they are typical of the urban poor. There are three types of hawkers; stall hawkers, ambulant hawkers and toy & balloon hawkers. Among them, ambulant hawkers have the lowest economic status. The origin of the hawkers shows that 70 percent of them are rural-to-urban migrants while 30 percent are born and raised in Manila. There are two push and four pull factors of the migration. The two push factors are disintegration of family and escape from poverty in the provinces. The four pull factors are an opportunity for education, an opportunity to work, an atmosphere of Manila and deception.
 When we focus on the stall hawkers, all the stall hawkers have Filipino customers. Koreans are the most popular foreign customers, followed by Americans, Japanese, Chinese and Taiwanese. In terms of sales, between 72 percent and 100 percent of the sales in each stall come from Filipino. When we look at the merchandise, foods items are popular items especially non-perishable items. Cell phone loading is the only non-food item sold by the hawkers. While Filipino purchases essential items, they are not popular among foreign customers. It is suggested that in order to expand their business to foreign tourists, it is necessary for hawkers to understand the foreign tourists’ preference of goods and the background of the choices.

 Key Words: the informal sector, hawkers, the formal sector, rural-to-urban migration, poverty

Yukio Yotsumoto


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