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  3. 平井嘉一郎記念図書館開館5周年記念企画・「感謝と立志のメッセージ」募集のお知らせ (Japanese/English)

平井嘉一郎記念図書館開館5周年記念企画・「感謝と立志のメッセージ」募集のお知らせ (Japanese/English)




  • 平井嘉一郎記念図書館を活用して学習・研究していること、活動の様子や成果
  • 平井嘉一郎記念図書館の施設やサービスにおいて、ここがすごい、ここが優れていると感じていること
  • 私たちの偉大な先輩である平井嘉一郎様、また日本を代表する大学図書館をご寄付くださった平井信子様への感謝のメッセージ
  • 今後の学習・研究活動や将来への抱負
  • (卒業生の方)在学時の平井嘉一郎記念図書館での思い出  など……



 校友・一般利用者の皆様 ※Google Formへつながります。


 立命館大学衣笠キャンパス 平井嘉一郎記念図書館1階エントランス

  1. 展示の際は、メッセージと合わせて以下の例に沿って応募者の属性を掲載いたします。氏名については記載いたしません。
  2. メッセージは、本企画の趣旨をご理解いただいた上での作成をお願いします。メッセージの内容に公序良俗に反するものや特定の個人・団体・作品などへの誹謗・中傷等が含まれる場合、また図書館事務局が不適当な内容であると判断した場合、メッセージを展示できないことがあります。
  3. 展示数等の都合により、メッセージ内容の一部のみを展示させていただく場合もあります。予めご了承ください。
  4. メッセージの著作権・所有権は、立命館大学図書館に帰属するものとします。
■本件問い合わせ先:立命館大学・図書館利用支援課(衣笠) 小田、干場


Hirai Kaichiro Memorial Library 5th Anniversary Commemoration Project - Call for "Messages of Appreciation and Resolve"

※The submission period has been extended.
 On April 1, 2021, the Hirai Kaichiro Memorial Library will celebrate its 5th anniversary.

 The late Kaichiro Hirai, whose name the library bears, graduated from Ritsumeikan University's College of Law in 1940 and went on to found the Nichicon Corporation. Putting all his energy into developing the company over half a century, he laid the foundations for its eventual growth into a globally successful company. Until his passing on January 20, 2001 at 93 years old, Kaichiro Hirai was an earnest person who lived for his work as well as a dynamic employer who was both true to his word and always leading by example. He always wanted to contribute to the development of young people who would go on to lead the next generation. The new library was built in accordance with his will through funding donated by his wife and honored friend of Ritsumeikan, Nobuko Hirai. Since then, the library, which is based on the design concept of "see, touch, and mutual learning," has been loved by its many users as a hub of knowledge and academic symbol of Ritsumeikan University. Even now, students, faculty and staff members pursue their studies, further their research, and make a great variety of achievements at the library every day.

 To commemorate the 5th anniversary of the opening of the Hirai Kaichiro Memorial Library, we are calling for"Messages of Appreciation and Resolve".

< Examples of Message Topics >
  • What you are studying and researching using the Hirai Kaichiro Memorial Library, or descriptions of your activities and your achievements
  • Aspects of the Hirai Kaichiro Memorial Library's facilities or services that you think are especially good or excellent
  • Appreciation for one of our greatest alumni, Kaichiro Hirai, and for Nobuko Hirai, his wife and honored friend of Ritsumeikan, who donated funding for this establishment, Japan's leading university library
  • Your aspirations for your studies, your research going forward, and/or for your future
  • (For Alumni) Memories of the Hirai Kaichiro Memorial Library from when you were a student at Ritsumeikan
  • Other relevant topics

 Messages should be between 200 - 400 Japanese characters, or up to 600 English letters, in length. Submitted messages will be displayed at the entrance to the Hirai Kaichiro Memorial Library from April 1, 2021. We look forward to receiving your submissions.

■Submission Period
 Friday, January 29 - Friday, March 5, 2021

■How to Apply
 Please apply using the forms below. The form differs depending on your affiliation to the university, so please be sure to fill out the applicable one.
 (For submissions from current members of the university) (Japanese only)
 (For submissions from alumni and the general public) (Japanese only)  *This is a link to a Google Form
*When submitting a message, alumni are asked to provide their name, the name of their college or graduate school, and the year and month of graduation (or completion). Library users who are members of the general public are asked to provide their name.

■Display Period
 Thursday, April 1 - Friday, May 28, 2021 (morning)

■Display Venue
 Hirai Kaichiro Memorial Library 1st Floor Entrance, Kinugasa Campus, Ritsumeikan University

■ Points to Note
  1. Displayed messages will also show information pertaining to writer's affiliation to the university as per the examples below. Please note that individual names will not be displayed.
    ・Students - affiliated college or graduate school, year level
    ・Faculty and Staff - affiliated college/ graduate school/ division, employment position
    ・Alumni - year of graduation/completion, affiliated college or graduate school, status as alumni
    ・Users from the general public - status as user from the general public
  2. Please send messages that take into account the objectives of this project. Messages that violate public order and morals, defame or slander an individual/ group/ piece of work, or are deemed unsuitable by the library office may not be displayed.
  3. Please also note that, in some cases, only part of your message will be able to be displayed. We thank you in advance for your understanding.
  4. Copyright and ownership of received messages will be the property of the Ritsumeikan University Library.
■Organizer: Office of Library Services, Kinugasa Campus, Ritsumeikan University
■For questions, please contact Ms. Oda or Mr. Hoshiba at the Office of Library Services, Kinugasa Campus, Ritsumeikan University (libraryatst.ritsumei.ac.jp)