



Auther Title Page
Takuo IWATA Political impact of decentralization in Africa 1
Yuko IGARASHI A Report on the Implementation of Password Speaking and Writing Tests in an English as an Academic Purpose Program 27
Robert Ó’MÓCHAIN Sexual Harassment as a Global Society Issue 49
PHAM Thi Phuong Thao Impacts of public debt on economic growth in six ASEAN countries 63

Vol.16 (2017)

Auther Title Page
Yuko IGARASHI What language planning and policy are implemented in Japan? – An analysis of language planning and policy through university students’ perceptions toward English – 1
Takuo IWATA Rethinking the concept of power in African politics . a boundary producer. 19
Hideaki OHTA Why the monetary easing under 'Abenomics' has been ineffective in recovery of the Japanese economy? : Integration of the markets between the US and Japan 37
Robert Ó’MÓCHAIN Individual Level Analysis in International Studies:
The Casement and Wygal Diaries

Vol.15 (2016)

Vol.14 (2015)

Vol.13 (2014)

Vol.12 (2013)

Vol.11 (2012)

Auther Title Page
Surendra BHANDARI Constitution Making and the Failure of Constituent Assembly: The Case of Nepal 1
Ian GIBSON Peace Problems in Pre-War Japan 41
Masahiko FUKUSHIMA What is “Global Law” ?: Studies on the Concept of “Global Law” from the Sociological Perspectives 85
Meidi KOSANDI Parallel Evolution of Practice and Research on ASEAN Economic Integration: From Paradigm Contestation to Eclectic Theorization 101
Wolf HASSDORF The Nexus of Economics and Security in East Asia or: Should We Learn to Stop Worrying and Love China? 135

Vol.10 (2011)

Auther Title Page
Katsuhiko HORI,and
The Impact of the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme:
Interviews with European Institutions and Four Business Organizations in Finland
Thi Minh Hieu VUONG
and Kenji YOKOYAMA
Is Vietnam attractive to Japanese FDI comparing to Thailand and China? An attribute-based and holistic analysis 19
Sajit Chandra DEBNATH Contemporary Knowledge-based Economies and East Asia 47
U.S. Trade Policy and The Doha Round Negotiations 71
Ian GIBSON Nationalistic Tendencies and Tensions within the Japanese Educational System 95
Wolf HASSDORF Much Ado about Nothing? Chiang Mai Initiative Multilateralisation and East Asian Exchange Rate Cooperation 121

Vol.9 (2010)

Auther Title Page
Andrew LINKLATER The English School Conception of International Society: Reflections on Western and non-Western Perspectives 1
Hidemi SUGANAMI The English School in a Nutshell 15
Josuke IKEDA The Post-Western Turn in International Theory and the English School 29
Ian GIBSON Engaging Peace: SCI Peace Education within Japanese Higher Education 45
Jay KLAPHAKE and Hironori SASADA You Can’t Always Get What You Want:
A Comparison of Biofuel Policy in the United States and Japan
Ryohei NAKAGAWA Japan-U.S. Trade and Rethinking the Point of No Return toward the Pearl Harbor 101
Albie SHARPE Emerging Panacea or Brand New Headache? The Rhetoric of Social Capital in Indigenous Health Policy Formation 125
Mark A. SELZER Curriculum Design for English-Medium Subject Matter Instruction in Japanese Higher Education 153
Gul CEYLAN TOK Capital, Identity and the State: An Analysis of State- Business Relations in Turkey 167
Toyokazu ISHIHARA Eretz Ball: Qualitative Change of Professional Sport Watching in Israel Baseball League 187
Ulyana SHIPITKO Rediscovering Russia in Northeast Asia 205

Vol.8 (2009)

Auther Title Page
Heikki PATOMAKI The Tobin Tax and Global Civil Society Organisations: The Aftermath of the 2008-9 Financial Crisis 1
Sajit Chandra DEBNATH &
Developing Competitive Scientific Infrastructure for Knowledge-based Economies in Southeast Asia:
A Comparative Study of Malaysia and Singapore
Ian GIBSON "Constructive Radicalism" and its positioning within Peace Education 47
Mark A. SELZER Legitimacy and the Institutionalization of Coups d' Etat: The Military Role in Thailand's Political System 63
Albie SHARPE The 'Vital Core' of Human Security:
Evaluating Health Security in Japanese Overseas Development Aid in Sri Lanka
Gul CEYLAN TOK The securitization of the headscarf issue in Turkey: ‘ the good and bad daughters’ of the republic 113

Vol.7 (2008)

Auther Title Page
Paul R. BRASS False Dichotomies:Truth, Reason, and Morality in Nietzsche, Foucault, and the Contemporary Social Sciences 1
Nik HYNEK Japan's Human Security: A Conceptual and Institutional Analysis 35
E T OTTMAN A question of historiography: the “new historians”of Israel 55
Ian GIBSON Transforming Inequitable Conditions of Globality: Belief Systems, Consciousness and Culture 69
Michael SUTTON Persuading Powers: Australia's Multilateral Trade Policy (1983-1995) 85

Vol.6 (2007)

Auther Title Page
Ian GIBSON Globality's Triune: Citizen-Driven Responses to Poverty,Violence and Inequitable Systems of Capital 1
Noah McCORMACK Civilising the urban other: poverty as a national problem 21
Michael SUTTON The Future of Asia Pacific Regionalism and APEC: Towards 2030 and Beyond 45
Patrick STREFFORD Japanese ODA diplomacy towards Myanmar: A Test for the ODA Charter 65
Chizuko SATO Liberal Opposition to Forced Removals and Non-racialism in South Africa 79

Vol.5 (2006)

Auther Title Page
jinwook CHOI The North Korean Domestic Situation and Its Impact on the Nuclear Crisis 1
Giorgio SHANI Empire,Liberalism and the Rule of Colonial Difference:Colonial Governmentality in South Asia 19
Patrick STREFFORD The Response of International Donors to Myanmar's Escalating Health Crisis 37
Michael SUTTON Asia Pacific Regionalism in the 1990s:Cooperation,Consensus and Conflict 59
Deborah MANTLE Defending the Dugong:Redefining‘Security’in Okinawa and Japan 85
Ian Rbert GIBSON Resource Wars:Oil Movement in Syria During the Iran-Iraq War 107

Vol.4 (2005)

Vol.3 (2004)

Vol.2 (2003)
