
  1. TOP>
  2. お知らせ>
  3. 秋学期からの図書館サービスについて(2020年9月18日)(10月16日追記)(Japanese/English)







平井嘉一郎記念図書館、修学館リサーチライブラリー、人文系文献資料室、 メディアセンター、メディアライブラリー、OICライブラリー、 朱雀リサーチライブラリー


【平井嘉一郎記念図書館、OIC ライブラリー】

平日:8 時 30 分〜22 時  土日:10 時〜17 時 成人の日休み(以上開講期間)
平日:9 時〜19 時 30 分  土日:10 時〜17 時 祝休 休み(以上開講期間外)

【BKC メディアセンター、メディアライブラリー】

平日:8 時 30 分〜22 時*  土日:10 時〜17 時 成人の日休み(以上開講期間)
平日:9 時〜19 時 30 分    土日:10 時〜17 時 祝休 休み(以上開講期間外)


平日:9時 〜20 時 土:10 時〜17 時 日祝休:休み(開講期間、期間外問わず)


平日・土:9 時〜22 時 日:10 時〜17 時 祝休:休み(以上開講期間)
平日:9 時〜20 時 土:10 時〜17 時 日祝休:休み(以上開講期間外)



  • 来館前の各自での健康チェック(検温を含む)が済んでいなければ、入館することはできません。入館利用する際にはマスクの着用も必須です(ただし、感覚過敏等でマスク着用出来ない学生については、その旨カウンターにお申し出ください。館内での対話時には飛沫防止のため、フェイスシールドの着用、ハンカチ等で口元を被う、などの工夫をお願いいたします。また、学生オフィスにもご相談ください)。
  • 入館・退館時、資料および検索端末の利用後には手洗い、アルコールでの手指消毒を行うなど、感染予防に努めてください。
  • 座席はソーシャルディスタンスを保つため、使用できない席にステッカーを貼っています。使用できない座席への着席、椅子の移動をしないようにしてください。また、利用者同士が密接、対面しないようにしてください。
  • ぴあらでは一切の飲食を禁止します。(ふた付き飲料、平井嘉一郎記念図書館でのタリーズコーヒーも不可)
  • ぴあら、セミナールーム、プレゼンテーションルームでは濃厚接触者の把握と感染拡大防止のため、利用履歴を記録します。机の上のQRコードを読み込み、アンケートにご協力ください。
  • 館内が混雑した場合には入館を制限することがありますので、ご理解ください。
  • 事前予約の手続きは不要です。



  • MyLibraryの「予約・取寄せ」で利用を希望する資料を予約してください。
  • 予約時には「受取カウンター設定」で「郵便」を選択してください。
  • 連絡⽅法の「通信欄」を選択して、郵便番号と送付先住所を⼊⼒してください。
  • 記載住所に不備(郵便番号、番地や部屋番号の記⼊漏れ等)があれば、本⼈に照会するため時間を要します。記⼊に不備がないよう⼗分確認してください。
  • 館内利用、貸出中など一部貸出不可の資料があります。
  • 貸出条件を超える貸出(大学院生100冊、学部学生20冊)はできません。









立命館大学図書館 図書返送受付係 宛



Library Service from the Fall Semester

 From the start of the fall semester, library services will be available as follows. We kindly request that all users follow the important points regarding library use and continue their efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

1. Eligible Users

Undergraduate students and graduate students (doctoral research students, post-master's research students, homu senshusei [pre-bar exam law school graduates]) enrolled at Ritsumeikan University, faculty, and staff members
(Service will not be available to the general public, alumni, retired faculty and staff, etc.)

2. Applicable Libraries

Hirai Kaichiro Memorial Library, Shugakukan Research Library, Arts & Humanities Library, Media Center, Media Library, OIC Library, and Suzaku Research Library

3. Opening Hours

[Hirai Kaichiro Memorial Library, OIC Library]
Weekdays 8:30-22:00, Sat./Sun. 10:00-17:00, Closed on Coming of Age Day (while classes are in session)
Weekdays 9:00-19:30, Sat./Sun. 10:00-17:00, Closed on Public Holidays (while classes are not in session)
[Media Center, Media Library]
Weekdays 8:30-21:00*, Sat./Sun. 10:00-17:00, Closed on Coming of Age Day (while classes are in session)
Weekdays 9:00-19:30, Sat./Sun. 10:00-17:00, Closed on Public Holidays (while classes are not in session)
*Due to traffic conditions on campus, closing time at present is 21:00.
[Shugakukan Research Library, Arts & Humanities Library]
Weekdays 9:00-20:00, Sat. 10:00-17:00, Closed on Sun./ Public Holidays (regardless whether or not classes are in session)
[Suzaku Research Library]
Weekdays/Sat. 9:00-22:00, Sun. 10:00-17:00, Closed on Public Holidays (while classes are in session)
Weekdays 9:00-20:00, Sat. 10:00-17:00, Closed on Sun./ Public Holidays (while classes are not in session)

*For details, please check opening hours on the library website.

4. Important Points Regarding Library Use

  • You will not be permitted to enter the building unless you have conducted a self-check of your health beforehand (including a temperature check). A mask must be worn upon entering the building. (However, if you are a student who cannot wear a mask due to hyperesthesia, please inform the counter staff. In order to prevent droplet transmission during conversations in the library, please wear a face shield, cover your mouth with a handkerchief, etc. In addition, please also consult with the Office of Student Affairs.)
  • Please prevent the spread of infection by washing your hands, disinfecting your hands using alcohol-based sanitizer, etc. after entering/leaving the building as well as after using materials or computer terminals.
  • In order to maintain social distancing, unusable seats are marked with a sticker. Do not sit in an unusable seat or move seats. Also, please avoid close contact and face-to-face meetings with other library users.
  • Eating and drinking is prohibited in PIARA. (Beverages with lids as well as beverages from Tully’s Coffee in the Hirai Kaichiro Memorial Library are also prohibited.)
  • Usage history is recorded in PIARA, seminar rooms, and presentation rooms in order to identify those that have had close contact and prevent the spread of infection. Please scan the QR code on the desk you use and fill out the questionnaire.
  • Please understand that entry to the library may be restricted if the building is crowded.
  • No advance reservation procedures are required.

5. Borrowing Materials

Library materials can be borrowed in accordance with the information on this page: Rent, return and extension. As much as possible, please come to the library to borrow books while you are on campus. However, we will continue the library materials delivery service for undergraduate and graduate students (including doctoral research students, post-master's research students, and homu senshusei [pre-bar exam law school graduates) enrolled at Ritsumeikan University who are unable to come to the library due to taking online classes, etc.

[Delivery Service Application Method]
  • Please reserve the materials you wish to use through “Reserve/Request” in MyLibrary.
  • When reserving, please select “By post” in the “Receive Counter” settings.
  • Select “Communication column” under “Please appoint an Address” and enter the postal code and shipping address.
  • If there are any errors in the address (e.g., missing postal code/ street number/ room number, etc.), it will take time to confirm with you. Please make sure that there are no errors in your entry.
  • Some materials such as reference books and books presently on loan may not be available for loan.
  • You cannot borrow more than the borrowing limit (100 books for graduate students, 20 books for undergraduate students).
[Number of Materials Sent]
10 books per application

[Shipping Method]
Yu-Pack (postage paid by the university)

[Other Information]
The library staff will do their best to respond promptly, but if there are a large number of requests, please be advised that shipping may be delayed.

6.Returning Materials

With the restart of face-to-face classes from the fall semester, books with a current due date of September 30 are due on Friday, October 9th. Please come to the library by the due date and complete return procedures using the Automated Loan/Return Machine. In addition, only undergraduate and graduate students (including doctoral research students, post-master's research students, and homu senshusei [pre-bar exam law school graduates) enrolled at Ritsumeikan University who are unable to come to the library due to taking online classes, etc., will be allowed to return books by sending them to the shipping address below.
When sending materials, please be sure to send them at a post office or one of the convenience stores listed in the following URL using “Yu-Pack (Pay on Delivery).” Postage will be paid by the university.
Japan Post: Convenience Stores Handling Yu-pack Parcels (Japanese only)

[Mailing Address]
ATTN: Book Returns Receptionist,
Ritsumeikan University Library, 56-1 Toji-in Kitamachi, Kita-ku, Kyoto

(Important Notes)
  • Please pack materials appropriately so that the books will not be damaged in transit.
  • Please keep the Yu-Pack invoice copy for your records.