Report on the guest lecture (Ms. Ayaka Naito, International Labour Organization)

Ms.Ayaka Naito, a guest speaker from UN ILO India met Ritsumeikan University students for the first time. (English class: led by Pr. Mayumi Yamada).

Ms. Naito is a graduate of Ritsumeikan University's College of International Relations, and when she talked about how she started internships in the Philippines and Palestine in her junior year, students started enjoying the opportunity to interact with her, asking many questions such as how she got the internship opportunity and whether they can apply for it even though they are not yet in final year.


 Ms. Naito sent a wonderful message from Senpai (alumnus) to juniors, telling them that being a student is a kind of privilege: it is a time to do what they want to do. She really wishes that students (Kohai) enjoy “student’s life”. Encouraged by Ms. Naito, the students were quickly discussing where they would go before their senior year, and they are scheduled to report the update voluntarily next week.