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  3. 6月22日からの図書館サービスについて(7月6日追記)(Japanese / English)

6月22日からの図書館サービスについて(7月6日追記)(Japanese / English)

 新型コロナウイルス感染拡大に対する立命館大学の行動指針におけるBCPレベルが「3」から「2」に変更されたことを受け、これまで行ってきた図書館サービスの制限を一部解除し、下記の通りとします。また引き続き図書館への入館には事前の予約が必要です。予約は来館予定日の3日前からとなります。必ず立命館リザーブサイト( https://ritsumei-ts.resv.jp/reserve/calendar.php?direct_id=14 )にて事前予約を行って来館してください。
 現時点では感染拡大防止の観点から通常開館には至っておりませんが、ご理解とご協力をお願いいたします。 なお、郵送貸出サービスは継続、事前予約による図書・雑誌の取り置きサービスについては、ご自身が来館する図書館の資料を除き、継続いたします。(カレント雑誌についてはキャンパス間文献複写サービスをご利用ください。)








平日10:00~17:00 (土日祝は休館)
必ず立命館リザーブサイト( https://ritsumei-ts.resv.jp/reserve/calendar.php?direct_id=14 )にて事前予約を行って来館してください。事前予約がない場合は入館利用ができません。ご注意ください。引き続き、滞在人数に上限を設けますが、滞在時間はこれまでの1時間以内から最大2時間以内に拡大します。


  1. 書架、閲覧席の利用
  2. 事前予約、zoom によるレファレンスサービスの実施
     zoom によるレファレンスサービスを実施します。1申込当たり30分を上限に事前予約にて受付を行います。前日までに立命館リザーブサイト( https://ritsumei-ts.resv.jp/reserve/calendar.php?direct_id=14 )でレファレンスサービスを希望する日時を予約してください。後日、zoom ミーティングに必要となるURLをご連絡いたします。ログインIDが学内メールアドレスでない方の受付は行いませんので、ログインIDが学内メールアドレスでない方は事前に修正のうえお申し込みください。
  3. e-DDSサービスの再開
  4. 館内でのみ利用可能なコンテンツ*の閲覧について

    * 貴重書、修士論文については、学生・院生の場合は事前に教員にメールで許可を取り、その証憑を根拠に別途メール(libraryatst.ritsumei.ac.jp)宛て貴重書の利用依頼をしてください(教員・研究系職員については、直接メール(libraryatst.ritsumei.ac.jp)宛て貴重書の利用依頼をしてください)。その上で、貴重書利用の準備ができましたら、メールにて申込者ご本人と利用日時を調整し、後日、事前予約の上来館いただきます。

  5. 自動貸出パソコンの利用(平井嘉一郎記念図書館のみ)
  6. 図書資料の郵送サービス
     引き続き、遠方に居住するため来館利用できないなどの事情のある立命館大学に在籍する学部学生・大学院生(研究生・研修生・法務専修生含む)を対象に本サービスを継続します。公共交通機関を利用しないなどキャンパスの近隣に居住する方は、可能な限り「5.1.書架、閲覧席の利用」のサービスを利用してください。 サービスの詳細は「Ⅰ.図書資料の郵送サービス(対象者拡大)」でご確認ください。
  7. 来館利用するキャンパス以外の資料の取り寄せ・取り置きサービス
    ※MyLibraryにログインし、「RUNNERS OPAC」蔵書検索結果の画面にある「予約/取寄」から取り寄せ手続きを行ってください。
  8. マイクロ資料の利用(7月6日追記)
  9. 他大学資料の借用・複写(ILL)サービス(7月6日追記)
     ・RUNNERS OPAC(蔵書検索)画面の「CiNii Books」から蔵書検索を行い、詳細表示画面の「ILL申込」から申し込む。
  10. 国立国会図書館デジタル化資料送信サービス(7月6日追記)




  1. 返却期限
  2. 対象者
     立命館大学に在籍する学部学生・大学院生(研究生・研修生・法務専修生含む) ・教員・職員
  3. 返却方法
     来館が困難な立命館大学に在籍する学部学生・大学院生(研究⽣・研修⽣・法務専修⽣含む) に限り郵送にて、所属キャンパスにかかわらず下記の4.郵送先にお送りください。
  4. 郵送先

    立命館大学図書館 図書返送受付係 宛


Library Services from June 22

Following the downgrading of the Ritsumeikan University Action Guidelines in Response to the COVID-19 Outbreak (Business Continuity Plan) Activity Restriction Level from level 3 to 2, some of the previous restrictions placed on library services have been lifted as follows. In order to use the library, advance reservation will still be required. Reservations can be made as early as three days before your visit. Please be sure to visit the Ritsumeikan Reserve Site (https://ritsumei-ts.resv.jp/reserve/calendar.php?direct_id=14) in advance to make a reservation.
At this stage, in an effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the library is still not open for normal business hours. Your understanding and cooperation are greatly appreciated.
The Library Materials Delivery Service and the book and magazine reservation service by advance reservation will be continued for all libraries except for materials in the library you are visiting.

1. Implementation Period

From June 22, 2020 (Monday) onwards (provisional)

2. Eligible Users

Undergraduate students and graduate students (doctoral research students, post-master's research students, homu senshusei [pre-bar exam law school graduates]) enrolled at Ritsumeikan University, faculty members, and staff.

3. Applicable Libraries

Hirai Kaichiro Memorial Library, Shugakukan Research Library, Arts & Humanities Library, Media Center, Media Library, OIC Library, and Suzaku Research Library.

4. Opening Hours

Weekdays 10:00-17:00 (Closed on weekends and public holidays)
Please be sure to visit the Ritsumeikan Reserve Site (https://ritsumei-ts.resv.jp/reserve/calendar.php?direct_id=14) in advance to make a reservation to come to the library. Please note that you will be unable to enter the library without a prior reservation. We will continue to set an upper limit on the number of people who can use the library at one time, but the length of visits will be extended from the previous 1-hour limit to a maximum of 2 hours.

5. Available Services

  1. Stacks and Reading Areas
    You will be able to access and borrow from the library stacks. (Some materials for in-library use only cannot be borrowed.) The automated stack system can be used at the Hirai Kaichiro Memorial Library and BKC Media Center. You may also use the reading areas for perusing materials, etc., only during your allotted reservation time. To maintain social distancing, not all seats are available for use. Please keep appropriate social distance from others and refrain from conversing with other library users.
  2. The Implementation of zoom Reference Services by Advance Reservation
    We will implement a reference service using zoom. Advance reservations for slots of a maximum of 30 minutes per application will be accepted. Please be sure to visit the Ritsumeikan Reserve Site (https://ritsumei-ts.resv.jp/reserve/calendar.php?direct_id=14) at least one day in advance to make a reservation for the time you would like the reference service. We will inform you of the URL required for the zoom meeting at a later date. Those whose login ID is not a Ritsumeikan email address cannot make a reservation, so if you are presently using a different address as your login ID, please revise your login ID before making a reservation.
  3. Resumption of the Electronic Document Delivery Service (e-DDS)
    The e-DDS will resume for materials kept at this university only. Please see https://www.ritsumei.ac.jp/lib/a01/110/ for information on eligible users and service details. Documents can only be browsed via the campus network.
  4. Browsing Content* That Can Only be Used Inside the Library
    You can browse databases, e-journals, e-books, and materials that can be used in-house using terminals in the library.

    * To browse rare books or Master's Theses, undergraduate and graduate students should get faculty approval in advance by email and, using that as proof, send an email requesting to read rare materials to "libraryat st.ritsumei.ac.jp" (Faculty members and research staff are asked to contact us directly by email at "libraryat st.ritsumei.ac.jp" to request the use of rare books.) Once the library staff have prepared the rare book, they will email you to negotiate the date and time of use and arrange a reservation in advance for you to come to the library.

  5. Use of Rental Computers (Hirai Kaichiro Memorial Library only)
    The use of Hirai Kaichiro Memorial Library's rental computers is allowed. Before and after use, please wash your hands or thoroughly disinfect your fingers.
  6. Library Materials Delivery Service
    This service will be continued for undergraduate and graduate students (including doctoral research students, master's research students, and homu senshusei [pre-bar exam law school graduates]) who are enrolled at Ritsumeikan University and are unable to come to the library due to living far away from campus. If you live near campus and do not have to use public transportation, we request that you visit the library in person and use the stacks and reading areas in accordance with "5-1 Stacks and Reading Areas" above.
    For details on this service, please refer to "I. Expansion of Eligibility for Library Materials Delivery Service and Start of Book Storage Service Through Advance Reservation" .
  7. Reserving and Requesting Materials from Other Campuses

    *Please log in to MyLibrary and follow the reservation procedures from "Reserve/Request" on the "RUNNERS OPAC" collection search screen.

6. Conditions for Visiting the Library (Important)

You will not be permitted to enter the building unless you have made a reservation and have conducted a health check on yourself (temperature check, etc.) beforehand. Please ensure that you wear a mask when inside the building and wash your hands when entering the library, before and after using machines and materials, or using the restroom. Please understand that, although we have implemented various restrictions in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19, we hope we have done so in a way that permits as many individuals to use the library as possible. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

7. Returning Materials

  1. Due Date
    The due date for materials currently on loan and those borrowed through this service will be extended until the end of the service period. You will be notified of the specific due date when this service ends. (Materials may be returned during the service period. Please refer to the information below.)
  2. Eligible Users
    Undergraduate students and graduate students (doctoral research students, post-master's research students, homu senshusei [pre-bar exam law school graduates]) enrolled at Ritsumeikan University, faculty members and staff.
  3. Return Method
    Please complete return procedures by visiting the library and using the Automated Loan/Return Machine. Advance reservations are not required for visitors who only return books.
    Undergraduate students and graduate students (doctoral research students, post-master's research students, homu senshusei [pre-bar exam law school graduates]) for who it is difficult to return books to the library in person may send books back to the following mailing address regardless of the campus.
    When mailing materials, please be sure to send them at a post office or one of the convenience stores listed in the following URL using "Yu-Pack (Pay on Delivery)." Postage will be paid by the university.
    Japan Post: Convenience Stores Handling Yu-pack Parcels (Japanese only)
  4. Mailing Address

    ATTN: Book Returns Receptionist
    Kinugasa Campus
    Ritsumeikan University Library
    56-1 Toji-in Kitamachi, Kita-ku, Kyoto 603-8577

    (Important Notes)
    • Please pack materials appropriately so that the books will not be damaged in transit.
    • Please keep the Yu-Pack invoice copy for your records.