
  1. TOP>
  2. お知らせ>
  3. 図書資料の郵送サービス(対象者拡大)と、事前予約による取り置きサービスの開始について(Japanese/English)


 立命館大学図書館は、「立命館大学全キャンパス入構禁止の延長(2020年5月7日~31日)および5月7日からのWeb授業再開について」(2020年5月4日 学校法人立命館)に伴い、5月11日から、図書郵送サービス(対象者拡大)と、事前予約による取り置きサービスを新たに開始します。






  • MyLibraryの「予約・取寄せ」で利用を希望する資料を予約してください。
  • このサービス期間中のみ学⽣も最⼤10 冊まで予約することができます。
  • 予約時には「受取カウンター設定」で「郵便」を選択してください。
  • 連絡⽅法の「通信欄」を選択して、郵便番号と送付先住所を⼊⼒してください。
  • 資料の確保後にメールで通知しますので、案内に従って資料送付先の住所等を返信してください。送付先の確認後に発送します。ただし、あらかじめ通信欄に郵便番号、送付先住所を⼊⼒いただいた⽅はメール通知への返信は不要です。予約期間(1週間)を過ぎると予約は取り消されるので、速やかに返信してください。
  • 館内利用、貸出中など一部貸出不可の資料があります。
  • 貸出条件を超える貸出(大学院生100冊、学部学生20冊)はできません。







  • MyLibraryの「予約・取寄せ」で利用希望の資料の予約してください。
  • 予約時に図書を受け取る図書館を選択(※)してください。
  • (※)京都市内には、衣笠(平井嘉一郎記念図書館)と朱雀(朱雀リサーチライブラリー)に図書館があります。朱雀リサーチライブラリーは、施設上、十分な受け渡しスペースを確保できません。京都市内の図書館にて受け取る場合は、感染拡大防止の観点から、可能な限り衣笠(平井嘉一郎記念図書館)を選択してください。
  • 「予約・取り寄せ」の詳細は以下のページを参照ください。
  • 資料の手配が完了するとメールで通知が届きます。あらかじめ希望した図書館のカウンターに資料を取りおいているので、図書館カウンターで学生証(教職員証)を提示のうえ、貸出予約した旨をお知らせください。
  • 規定の貸出上限冊数を超える貸出はできませんので注意ください。
  • 館内利用、貸出中など一部貸出不可の資料があります。
  • 来館時にその場で別の資料の手配を申し込むことはできません、必ず事前にMyLibraryで申し込み手続きを行ってください。
  • 本サービス実施中は、リコールは行いません。


  • ■衣笠キャンパス:平井嘉一郎記念図書館
  • ■朱雀キャンパス:朱雀リサーチライブラリー
  • ■びわこ・くさつキャンパス:メディアセンター
  • ■大阪いばらきキャンパス:OICライブラリー(GARDEN TERRACE LION 横の「B 棟北側外階段」から2 階⼊り⼝へお越しください)




  • 来館して自動貸出返却機で返却手続きを行ってください。
  • 来館が困難な場合は郵送にて、所属キャンパスにかかわらず下記の【郵送先】にお送りください。
  • 郵送の際には郵便局または下記URLに記載のコンビニエンスストアにて必ず「ゆうパック(着払い)」(費用は大学で負担)にて送付ください。

立命館大学図書館 図書返送受付係 宛




  • 図書館に所蔵している資料(館内利用図書、雑誌等を含む)を、事前申し込みのうえで利用者が指定した図書館(※)で複写することができます。
  • 事前申し込みした資料以外の資料の複写はその場では対応できませんので、必要な資料については必ず事前に申し込みを行ってください。
  • 複写は図書館が指定する館内の複写機を使用してください(費用は自己負担です)。


  1. 衣笠キャンパス:平井嘉一郎記念図書館(※)
  2. 朱雀キャンパス:朱雀リサーチライブラリー
  3. びわこ・くさつキャンパス:メディアセンター
  4. 大阪いばらきキャンパス:OICライブラリー(GARDEN TERRACE LION 横の「B棟北側外階段」から2 階⼊り⼝へお越しください)

library@st.ritsumei.ac.jp 宛に以下の内容を記載してメール送信してください。




  • 発熱、感冒症状など体調不良の場合は入館をご遠慮ください。
  • 公共の交通機関を利用する場合は混雑する時間帯を避け、来館時には必ずマスクを着用してください。
  • 入館時には備付のアルコールで手指消毒を行ってください。
  • 滞在時間は必要最小限としてください。
  • 利用者が一定の人数を超える場合は、図書館職員の判断により外でお待ちいただくことがあります。

Expansion of Eligibility for Library Materials Delivery Service and Start of Book Storage Service Through Advance Reservation (May 8, 2020)

 Due to the extension of the entry prohibition for all the campuses from May 7, 2020 to May 31 and online classes resuming on May 7 (as announced on the Ritsumeikan University homepage on May 4, 2020), the Ritsumeikan University Library will expand eligibility for the library materials delivery service and start a new book storage service through advance reservation from May 11.
 During this period, you will not be able to look for materials in the library stacks, self-study using the reading seats, consult at the counter, or use facilities such as the seminar room.

[Service Period]
 Monday, May 11, 2020 onwards  ※Ended on March 25, 2022
 These services will be implemented from Monday, May 11, 2020 for the time being. In the event that the library returns to normal business hours, advance notification will be sent out and these services will be gradually phased out.

[Eligible Materials]
 Ritsumeikan University Library collection (Hirai Kaichiro Memorial Library, Shugakukan Research Library, Arts & Humanities Library, Media Center, Media Library, OIC Library, and Suzaku Research Library)</p>

I. Library Materials Delivery Service (Eligibility Expansion)

 Materials reserved through MyLibrary will be sent by post to a designated address.

[Eligible Persons]
 Undergraduate / graduate students (including doctoral research students, post-master’s research students, and homu senshusei [pre-bar exam law school graduates]) enrolled at Ritsumeikan University

[Application Method]
  • Please reserve the materials you wish to use through “Reserve / Request” in MyLibrary.
  • Students are able to reserve up to 10 books only during this service period.
  • When reserving, please select “Post” in the “Receive Counter” settings.
  • Please select “Communication column,” then enter your postal code and shipping address for the materials.
  • As you will receive an email notification after the materials have been reserved, please provide the shipping address for the materials in your reply as instructed. After the shipping address has been confirmed, the materials will be sent. However, if you entered your postal code and shipping address into the Communication column beforehand, you do not need to reply to the email notification. The reservation will be cancelled after the reservation period (one week) has passed, so please reply immediately.
  • Some materials such as reference books and books presently on loan may not be available for loan.
  • You cannot borrow more than the borrowing limit (i.e., 100 books for graduate students, 20 books for undergraduate students).

[Number of Materials That Can Be Sent]
 10 books per application

[Shipping Method]
 Yu-Pack (postage paid by the university)

 The library staff will do their best to respond promptly, but if there are a large number of requests, please be aware that shipping may be delayed.

II. Book Storage Service Through Advance Reservation

 Materials reserved in advance through MyLibrary will be stored at the library counter and lent out at the campus library of your choice. Though entry to campus is currently prohibited, you will be able to enter the library when using this service only. Also, you will be able to return materials when you come to the library.

[Eligible Persons]
 Undergraduate students and graduate students (including doctoral research students, post-master’s research students, and homu senshusei [pre-bar exam law school graduates]) enrolled at Ritsumeikan University; faculty members; research staff

[Application Method]
  • Please reserve the materials you wish to use through “Reserve / Request” in MyLibrary.
  • Please select the library to receive the materials when making a reservation.*
    *In Kyoto City, there are libraries on the Kinugasa Campus (Hirai Kaichiro Memorial Library) and the Suzaku Campus (Suzaku Research Library). Due to facility limitations, there is not enough space to receive materials at the Suzaku Research Library. To prevent the spread of infection, when receiving materials at a library in Kyoto City, please select Kinugasa (Hirai Kaichiro Memorial Library) whenever possible.
  • Please refer to the page below for details about “Reserve / Request.”
    “Reservation, order and recall”
  • You will receive an email notification when the materials are ready. As the materials will already be set aside in advance at the library counter you selected, please present your Student ID Card (or Faculty ID Card) at the counter and notify the staff that you have made a reservation.
    *Please be sure to come to the library after you have received email notification that your materials are ready.
  • Please note that you will cannot borrow more than the specified maximum number of books.
    Please refer to the page below for details about borrowing procedures.
    “Rent, return and extension”
  • Some materials such as reference books and books presently on loan may not be available for loan.
  • You cannot apply for other materials on the spot when visiting the library, so please be sure to complete application procedures using MyLibrary in advance.
  • Recalls will not be available during the period of this service.

[Borrowing Location and Schedule]
Weekdays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays)
You can borrow at the following library counters.
■ Kinugasa Campus: Hirai Kaichiro Memorial Library
■ Suzaku Campus: Suzaku Research Library
■ Biwako-Kusatsu Campus: Media Center
■ Osaka Ibaraki Campus: OIC Library (*Please enter the building using the 2F entrance accessed using the “Building B North External Staircase” next to GARDEN TERRACE LION.)

III. Returning Materials

[Due Date]
 The due date for materials currently on loan and those borrowed through this service will be extended until the end of the service period. You will be notified of the specific due date when this service ends. (It is possible to return materials during the service period. Please refer to the information below.)

[Eligible Persons]
 Undergraduate / graduate students (including doctoral research students, post-master’s research students, and homu senshusei [pre-bar exam law school graduates]) enrolled at Ritsumeikan University.

[Return Method]
  • Please complete return procedures by visiting the library and using the Automated Check Out/ Check In Machines.
  • If you are unable to come to campus, please send the materials to the following [Mailing Address] regardless of your campus.
  • When mailing materials, please be sure to send the materials at a Post Office or one of the convenience stores listed in the URL below using “Yu-Pack (Pay on Delivery)” (postage paid by the university).
    Convenience Stores handling Yu-pack parcels:(Japanese Only)

[Mailing Address]
ATTN: Book Returns Receptionist
Ritsumeikan University Library
56-1 Toji-in Kitamachi, Kita-ku, Kyoto 603-8577

(Important Notes)
・Please pack materials appropriately so that the books will not be damaged in transit.
・Please keep the Yu-Pack invoice copy for your records.

IV. Copying Materials

[Eligible Persons]
 Undergraduate students and graduate students (including doctoral research students, post-master’s research students, and homu senshusei [pre-bar exam law school graduates]) enrolled at Ritsumeikan University; faculty members; research staff

[Copying Materials]
  • Library materials (incl. non-circulating books, magazines, etc.) can be copied at a designated library upon prior application.*
    *In Kyoto City, there are libraries on the Kinugasa Campus (Hirai Kaichiro Memorial Library) and the Suzaku Campus (Suzaku Research Library). Due to facility limitations, there is not enough space to receive materials at the Suzaku Research Library. To prevent the spread of infection, when receiving materials at a library in Kyoto City, please select Kinugasa (Hirai Kaichiro Memorial Library) whenever possible.
  • Please be sure to apply for required materials in advance as it is not possible to copy materials other than those applied for beforehand.
  • Please use the designated copy machines in the library to copy materials. (Cost paid by the student.)

[Copying Locations and Schedule]
 Weekdays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays)
Please register at the counter by 4:45 p.m.
 When applying, please select from the following 4 libraries to use.

  1. Kinugasa Campus: Hirai Kaichiro Memorial Library*
    *In Kyoto City, there are libraries on the Kinugasa Campus (Hirai Kaichiro Memorial Library) and the Suzaku Campus (Suzaku Research Library). Due to facility limitations, there is not enough space to receive materials at the Suzaku Research Library. To prevent the spread of infection, when receiving materials at a library in Kyoto City, please select Kinugasa (Hirai Kaichiro Memorial Library) whenever possible.
  2. Suzaku Campus: Suzaku Research Library
  3. Biwako-Kusatsu Campus: Media Center
  4. Osaka Ibaraki Campus: OIC Library (*Please enter the building using the 2F entrance accessed using the “Building
  5. North External Staircase” next to GARDEN TERRACE LION.)

[Application Method]
・Please send an email with the following information to library@st.ritsumei.ac.jp.

Subject: Copying Application
① Full name:
② Your college or graduate school:
③ Student ID/ Faculty ID:
④ Phone:
⑤ Title, volume, and book ID of the material you wish to borrow
⑥ Library you wish to use
・You will receive email notification once the materials have been prepared.
・Questions can be sent to the above email address.

V. Infection Prevention Measures When Visiting the Library

In order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 infection, please note the following points when visiting the library.
  • Please refrain from entering the library if you have a fever or cold symptoms.
  • When using public transportation to visit the library, please avoid times when the vehicle is crowded and be sure to wear a mask.
  • When entering the building, please disinfect your hands with the provided alcohol disinfectant.
  • Do not stay in the building longer than necessary.
  • If the number of users exceeds a certain number, you may be asked by the library staff to wait outside.