
Research Training Workshop:Strategic Norm Creation: International Commissions and the Responsibility to Protect.

Guest Speaker: Daisuke Madokoro, Research Associate of International Relations, Graduate School of Law, Kobe University

The workshop was held in Ritsumeikan University Kinugasa Campus, on May 12, 2016, hosted by Ritsumeikan University's Graduate School of International Relations and the Ritsumeikan Global Innovation Research Organization (R-GIRO). Approximately 20 participants attended the workshop.

The seminar tries to answer the fundamental question of where the norms come from. This seminar spotlights the norm emergence process by analyzing the role of international commissions as norm entrepreneurs, with the case study of the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty, which proposed a normative idea of responsibility to protect (R2P) in 2001. Some notes can be highlighted as follows: first, contents of the R2P norm were not given but rather strategically created through interactions; second, the R2P norm served the function of transformation and reconciliation. Finally, in reality, strategic norm creation should yield in-depth insight into how norm entrepreneurs struggle to stimulate a normative change.
