立命館大学 経営学部



2022/07/25 教育・研究

2022年度「基礎演習(55クラス)最終授業:ワールド・カフェ」を実施しました!(Report on World Café the Basic Course 55)




~English is as follows~

A World Cafe was held with the theme of AI in the final class of Basic Course 55 basic. The World Cafe is a method of discussion enabling free dialogue. Small groups discussing in a relaxed atmosphere, change seats, and continue the dialogue with other group members. It is based on the idea that open and creative dialogue is possible and innovation can be encouraged.

First we watched a video of a presentation about AI. Then discussed the use of AI in small groups. Finally, the content of the discussion at each table was presented as a poster. Three main points were discussed. First, students realized the various uses of AI in everyday life. They paid attention to cleaning robots and security robots on the 1st floor of Ritsumeikan OIC as well. Second, there was a discussion about the differences between Japan and Europe. While security is emphasized in Japan, replacement of manpower and work efficiency are emphasized in Europe. Third, there was a critique about AI including the fear of job loss and the risk of information leakage. From those discussions students felt the need to apply ethics to the use of AI. To the students it seems that the use of AI has been delayed due to the large number of conservative minded people in Japan. The idea was raised that the creation of AI-related innovations that apply traditional values might be accepted by Japanese society.

I hope that students at OIC will continue to utilize the space seeking a free and open exchange of ideas and even generate new ideas through a creative dialogue.

(Prof. SCHLUNZE, Rolf Dieter)