2016年2月 |
立命館大学GISセミナー2016 "New Trends in Geodemographics Research"
- Prof. Paul Longley (Department of Civil, Environmental & Geomatic Engineering, University College London, UK)
- Prof. Richard Harris (School of Geographical Sciences, University of Bristol, UK)
- Prof. Chris Brunsdon (National Centre for Geocomputation, National University of Ireland Maynooth, Ireland)
- Dr. Martin Charlton (National Centre for Geocomputation, National University of Ireland Maynooth, Ireland)
2015年5月 |
- Prof. Tao Cheng (Department of Civil, Environmental & Geomatic Engineering, University College London, UK): (大学院)地理情報学研究Ⅰ(講義)
2014年5月 |
- Prof. Peter Bol (Center for Geographic Analysis at Harvard University, USA): (大学院)地理情報学研究Ⅰ(講義)
2013年10月~2014年1月 |
- Prof. Wang Chengyun (Department of Geography at Shanghai Normal University, China): (大学院)地誌学研究Ⅳ(講義)L
2013年8月 |
- Prof. Paul Longley (Department of Geography at University College London, UK): (大学院)応用地理情報学Ⅱ(講義)L
- Dr. James Cheshire (Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis at University College London, UK): (大学院)応用地理情報学Ⅱ(講義)L
2013年6月 |
- Prof. Brunsdon Christopher (Department of Geography and Planning, University of Liverpool, UK): (大学院)地理情報学研究Ⅱ(講義)L
- Dr. Singleton Alexander (Department of Geography and Planning, University of Liverpool, UK): (大学院)地理情報学研究Ⅱ(講義)L
2012年9月 |
- Prof. Jason Dykes (Department of Information Science, London City University, UK): (大学院)応用地理情報学Ⅰ(講義)L
- Dr. Aidan Slingsby (Department of Information Science, London City University, UK): (大学院)応用地理情報学Ⅰ(講義)L
- Prof. Andy Jones (Norwich Medical School, University of East Anglia, UK): (大学院)地理情報学研究Ⅰ(講義)L
- Dr. Emma Coombes (Norwich Medical School, University of East Anglia, UK): (大学院)地理情報学研究Ⅰ(講義)L
2011年11月~2012年1月 |
- Dr. Ákos Jakobi (Department of Regional Science, Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary)
2011年9月 |
- Prof. Paul Longley (Department of Geography at University College London, UK): (大学院)応用地理情報学Ⅱ(講義)L
- Dr. James Cheshire (Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis at University College London, UK): (大学院)応用地理情報学Ⅱ(講義)L
2011年5月~7月 |
- Dr. Dimitris Ballas (Department of Geography at University of Sheffield, UK): (大学院) 地理情報学研究Ⅱ(講義)L
2011年5月 |
- Prof. Danny Dorling (Department of Geography at University of Sheffield, UK)
- Dr. Helena Tunstall (Department of Health Science at University of York, UK)
2010年10月 |
- Prof. Michael Batty (Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (CASA) at University College London, UK): (大学院)地理情報学研究Ⅰ(講義)L
2010年8月 |
- Prof. Mei-Po Kwan (Department of Geography, The Ohio State University, USA): (大学院)応用地理情報学Ⅰ(講義)L
2010年5月 |
- Prof. David Edington (Department of Geography, University of British Columbia)
2010年2月 |
- Prof. Chris Brunsdon (Department of Geography, Leicester University, UK)
2009年10月 |
- Prof. Andrew Lovett (School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia, UK)
- Dr. Katy Appleton (School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia, UK): (大学院)応用地理情報学Ⅱ(講義)L
2009年5月 |
- Dr. Yahaya Ibrahim (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia): 立命館土曜講座「マレーシアの農村観光・島嶼観光の現状と課題」
2009年4月 |
- Prof. Paul Longley (Department of Geography, University College London, UK)
- Dr. Alex Singleton (Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (CASA), University College London, UK): (大学院)地理情報学研究Ⅰ(講義)L
2009年3月 |
- Dr. Seraphim Alvanides (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Newcastle)
2008年6月 |
- Dr. Ian Gregory (Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Lancaster University, UK): (大学院)地理情報学研究Ⅱ(講義)L
- Dr. Alistair Geddes (Department of Geography, University of Dundee, UK): (大学院)地理情報学研究Ⅱ(講義)L
2008年5月~7月 |
- Prof. Ruslan Rainis (School of Humanities, Universiti Sains Malaysia): (大学院)地理情報学研究Ⅰ(講義)L
2008年5月 |
- Prof. Chris Brunsdon (Department of Geography, Leicester University, UK): (大学院)応用地理情報学Ⅱ(講義)L
- Dr. Alexis Combver (Department of Geography, Leicester University, UK): (大学院)応用地理情報学Ⅱ(講義)L
- Dr. Yahaya Ibrahim (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia)
2007年11月 |
- Prof. Carl Steinitz (Graduate School of Design, Harvard University): (大学院)地理情報学研究Ⅳ(講義)L
- Dr. Michael Flaxman (MIT, Department of Urban Studies and Planning): (大学院)地理情報学研究Ⅲ(講義)L
2007年10月 |
- Dr. Sanjay Rana (Research fellow, in the Project Neighbourhood Road Safety Initiative at the UCL Centre for Transport Studies.)
- Dr. Jamie Pearce (GeoHealth Laboratory, Department of Geography, University of Canterbury)
2007年8月 |
- Dr. Hui Lin (Department of Geography and Resource Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
- Dr. Ian Gregory (Department of Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Lancaster University)
- Prof. Jonathan Raper (Department of Information Science, London City University)
2007年5月 |
- Prof. Paul Longley (Department of Geography, University College London)
2007年5月~7月 |
- Dr. Norizan Bin Md Nor (Dean of College of Humanities, Universiti Sains Malaysia at Penang)
2006年11月 |
- Prof. Carl Steinitz (Graduate School of Design, Harvard University): (大学院)地理情報学研究Ⅱ(講義)L
- Dr. Michael Flaxman (MIT, Department of Urban Studies and Planning): (大学院)地理情報学研究Ⅰ(講義)L
2006年10月 |
- Prof. Michael P. Peterson (University of Nebraska at Omaha, USA)
- Prof. Rob Kitchin (Director of NIRSA, National University of Ireland, Maynooth)
2006年10月~2007年1月 |
- Prof. Anthony James Fielding (University of Sussex):
2006年5月 |
- Prof. Danny Dorling (The University of Sheffield): (大学院)応用地理情報学Ⅰ(講義)L
2006年4月~7月 |
- 汪 明輝 (Prof. Wang Ming Huey) tibusungu e vavayana peongsi (Associate Professor, National Taiwan Normal University)
2005年6月 |
- Prof. Carl Steinitz (Graduate School of Design, Harvard University): (大学院)自然地理学研究Ⅲ
- Dr. Michael Flaxman (ESRI): (大学院)自然地理学研究Ⅳ
2005年5月 |
- Prof. A. Stewart Fotheringham (NCG, Ireland National University): (大学院)地誌学研究Ⅴ
2005年3月 |
- Prof. Michael Batty (Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (CASA) at University College London)
2004年9月 |
- Dr. Ruslan Ranis (Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia): (大学院)地理学特殊問題Ⅰ(講義)LB
- Prof. Itzhak Benenson (University of Tel Aviv, Israel)
- Prof. Michael P. Peterson (University of Nebraska at Omaha, USA)
- Dr. Stamatis Kalgirou (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, UK)
2004年6月 |
- Prof. Carl Steinitz (Graduate School of Design, Harvard University): (大学院)地理学特殊問題Ⅰ(講義)LA
- Dr. Michael Flaxman (Graduate School of Design, Harvard University): (大学院)地理学特殊問題Ⅰ(講義)LB
- Prof. Louise Comfort (University of Pittsburgh, USA): (大学院)地理学特殊問題Ⅱ(講義)L
- Dr. Andrew Evans (University of Leeds, UK)
- David G.Howell (U.S.Geological Survey, USA)
- Prof. Philip C. Brown (Department of History, The Ohio State University)
2002年7月 |
- Prof. A. Stewart Fotheringham (University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK)
- Prof. Graham Clarke (University of Leeds, UK)
人文地理学会 第2回 都市圏研究部会にて講演
【演題】Local modelling of urban house prices : an example of London
- Prof. A. Stewart Fotheringham (University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK)
The potential of microsimulation for urban geography
- Prof. Graham Clarke (University of Leeds, UK)
2002年6月 |
- Prof. Carl Steinitz (Graduate School of Design, Harvard University)
- Dr. Mike Flaxman (Graduate School of Design, Harvard University)
- Prof. Robert France (Graduate School of Design, Harvard University)
大学院国際先端社会プログラム(Harvard Program 2002)講師として来日
- Prof. Philip C. Brown (Department of History, The Ohio State University)
2001年10月 |
- Prof. Philip C. Brown (Department of History, The Ohio State University)
- Prof. Tony Feilding (Geography, University of Sussex)
2001年6月 |
- Prof. C.S. Stone Shih (Department of Sociololy, Soochow University, Taiwan)
- Prof. Carl Steinitz (Graduate School of Design, Harvard University)
- Dr. Mike Flaxman (Graduate School of Design, Harvard University)
大学院国際先端社会プログラム(Harvard Program 2002)講師として来日
2000年11月 |
- Prof. A. Stewart Fotheringham (Department of Geography, University of Newcastle upon Tyne)
- Dr. Martin Charlton (Department of Geography, University of Newcastle upon Tyne)
- Prof. Chris Brunsdon (Reader in Spatial Analysis,Department of Geography, University of Newcastle upon Tyne)
【演題】A GWR analysis of house prices in England and Wales. (平成11-12年度文部省科学研究費補助金地域連携推進(2)奨励研究「地理情報システムを用いた地域計画立案支援システム」(研究代表者・矢野桂司)による招待講演)
2000年4月~7月 |
- Prof. Terry G. McGee (Department of Geography,University of British Columbia)
2000年6月 |
- Prof. Carl Steinitz (Graduate School of Design, Harvard University)
- Dr. Mike Flaxman (Graduate School of Design, Harvard University)