8月24日より9月2日にかけて、タイ・タマサート大学建築計画学部でワークショップを開催しました(グローバル/ローカル・オンサイト演習II〔タイ・プロジェクト〕)。ワークショップには教員2名(豊田祐輔准教授、ションラウォーン・ピヤダー助教)の引率のもと、本科目受講生の12名(政策科学部専攻4名、Community and Regional Policy Studies専攻8名)が参加しました。




Relocation Problem in Slum Located in the Center of Bangkok and Challenge of Environmental Education in School(Introduction to On-site Research Summer ession [Thai Project])
We held a workshop from 24th August to 2nd September at the Faculty of Architecture and Panning, Thammasat University: ‘Introduction to On-site Research Summer Session (Thai Project),’ From Ritsumeikan University, 12 students (4 from Policy Science Major and 8 from Community and Regional Policy Studies Major) participated who were led by two teachers (Associate Professor Yusuke Toyoda and Assistant Professor Piyada Chonlaworn).
The students tackled two themes: relocation problem in slum and environmental education, which the students determined to study in the Spring Semester. During that semester, they set research questions, objectives and hypotheses along with literature review. On the first day of the workshop, they presented their research proposals and received feedbacks from Thai teachers. Thereafter in the first half of the workshop, they acquired knowledge through lectures and tours by university teachers, governmental staff, NGO staff and elementary school teachers, which they would otherwise not be able to gain in Japan.
Based on these inputs, they revised their research and conducted field surveys in the second half of the workshop. A group focusing on slum located in the center of Bangkok (Klong Toei Community), found lack of communication between the land owner, Port Authority and land users, residents, failing to reach the agreement on a new settlement. On the other hand, a group concerning environmental education in school, by questionnaire surveys to school students and interviews with school teachers, identified inadequacy of school education for promoting environmental behavior and importance of surrounding environments like people around the kids in everyday life.
On weekends, besides study they enjoyed sightseeing at Bangkok and Ayutthaya World Cultural Heritage with Thammasat University students. The workshop provided them with the environments to study challenges and culture in Thailand and to make friendship with Thai students.
The Faculty of Architecture and Planning, Thammasat University, hosted this workshop. Taking this opportunity, we would like to express deep gratitude to teachers, students and staff welcoming us and supporting the workshop.

Briefing by community resident

Questionnaire survey at elementary school

Final presentation

Group photo after final presentation