
New Entry

07.22, 2024

Notice of Office Closure during summer break

Our office will be closed from August 9 to 19 for summer vacation.
We will respond to inquiries received during the above period on or after August 20.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

05.27, 2024

Call for AY 2024 Ritsumeikan Advanced Research Academy (RARA) Challenging Research Program for Next-generation Researchers with Soaring Ambition

This program is open to all doctoral students and Senior Researchers affiliated with Ritsumeikan University, and provides support, including research grants, for their original, challenging, and ambitious research activities.

- Application period : Between Monday, May 27 and 12:00 noon on Friday, June 28, 2024

- Doctoral students at Ritsumeikan University (doctoral students enrolled at Ritsumeikan University and students enrolled in the third year or higher of an integrated doctoral program), Senior Researchers, or JSPS Research Fellows for Young Scientists (DC1, DC2, PD, RPD)
- For Senior Researchers and JSPS Research Fellows for Young Scientists (PD, RPD), there must be less than eight years elapsed after obtaining their doctoral degrees. However, leave periods due to life events such as prenatal/postnatal leave, childcare leave, etc. shall be excluded.

- for doctoral students: Approximately two projects (up to 2.5 million yen per project)
- for Senior Researchers and student PDs: Approximately two projects (up to 2.5 million yen per project)

- Application Procedures … pdf
- Application Form … word

04.16, 2024

Scholarships, Research Grants, and Career Path Support Guide

The Graduate School Career Path Promotion Office has developed the Graduate School Career Path Support Program to deepen the knowledge that graduate students need depending on their career goals. The Office also provides various financial support for conducting research activities, including tuition fees. For more information, please access the QR code and view the "Scholarships, Research Grants, and Career Path Support Guide."

It will also be posted on the website of the Career Path Promotion Office at a later date.

03.18, 2024

Call for application for the AY 2024 RARA Student Fellowship Program

Ritsumeikan Univ. is pleased to announce a  fellowship program of "RARA Student Fellow"This program is that we will foster "T-type doctoral impact makers" and "next-generation AI advanced business people," both of whom are able to find joy in demonstrating social impact through deepening their own specialized research fields and collaborating with researchers in different fields. 

 Please check the application guidelines for details.


Those who will be in the 1st year to the 3rd year of the doctoral course of the University in the spring semester of AY2024 

*However, Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho: MEXT) Scholarship recipients,  Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Research Fellow and so on shall be excluded. 

Number of positions to be made available

Approximately 60 positions

Application Schedule

Application Period: Tuesday, March 5, 2024 ~ Monday, March 18 at 12:00 PM (noon)

Results Announcement:Early April 2024

*Be informed to the applicant (by email)

Application Guidelines/Application Documents

<Application Guidelines>

Application Guidelines for RARA Student Fellow Ritsumeikan Advanced Research Academy (RARA)

<Application documents>

Application Form (Form 1)

*In addition, students of Ritsumeikan University are required to submit their research achievements on the “Ri-SEARCH (Ritsumeikan University Search Engine of Academic Record and Career History of Young Researchers)” (, and those from other universities are required to submit a list of their research achievements (in free format).

Letter of Recommendation from your supervisor (Form 2)

Application Checklist (This checklist is NOT required to be submitted.)

Submission method

Please register for application from the following URL, then submit ALL your application documents.
For details, please check the application guidelines.



RARA Office, Ritsumeikan University

12.22, 2023

Notice of Office closure.

Our office will be closed from Thu. December 28 to Mon. January 8 for winter vacation.
We will respond to inquiries received during the above period on or after Tue. January 9.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

07.31, 2023

Notice of Office Closure during summer break

Notice of Office Closure during summer break

Our office will be closed from August 11 to 20 for summer vacation.
We will respond to inquiries received during the above period on or after August 21.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

06.12, 2023

Notice : Relocation of the Graduate Student Career Path Support Center


Due to a change in the department responsible for operations of the Graduate Student Career
Path Support Center (from the Office of Graduate Studies, Division of Academic Affairs to the
RARA Office, the Division of Research), the Graduate Student Career Path Support Center will be
moved from the 4th floor of the SHITOKUKAN Hall on Kinugasa Campus to the NAKAGAWA Hall
on Suzaku Campus.
The schedule and contact information for the new office are as follows:

Relocation date: Monday, June 19, 2023

Contact information after relocation 075-813-8560

Due to the relocation work on Friday, June 16,
inquiries and other responses will not be available throughout this day.
Please note that we will respond to inquiries by email and other means after Monday, June 19.
Thank you.


                                                                                                                 June 12, 2023 

                                                                      RARA OfficeDivision of Research

                                                                                   Ritsumeikan University

   ※The Office of Graduate Studies will continue to be in charge of
  graduate school entrance examinations, TA, graduate student
  facilities such as KYURONKAN HALL, and KENKYU- SHOREI
(Prize Fellowship for the Doctoral Degree Students).

     ※The Office of Graduate Studies will move from the 4th floor of
  the SHITOKUKAN HALL to the 1st floor of the YOYOKAN HALL
  on June 19, 2023.
 (The Office of Graduate Studies plans to
  move back to the SHITOKUKAN in October-
November, 2023).

There is no change on the phone number of the Office of
   Graduate Studies.

04.21, 2023

【Notice】Ri-SEARCH system maintenance

Ri-SEARCH system will be suspended on the below date and time due to system maintenance.
Please note that you are unable to log in/register information in Ri-SEARCH, retrieve/view information etc.

<Ri-SEARCH system website> Link

■Ri-SEARCH will be suspended on  
AM10:00 – AM 11:00 on Thursday, April 27
We apologize for any inconvenience, but we appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

RARA Office (KIC)

12.23, 2022

Notice of Office closure.

Our office will be closed from December 24, 2022 to January 5, 2023 for winter vacation.
We will respond to inquiries received during the above period on or after January 6, 2023.
 We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

10.11, 2022

AY2023 Early-career Researcher Development Program

Dear All,

This is from the Division of Research at Ritsumeikan.

This program will be implemented to nurture early-career researchers who are expected to be active 
in domestic or overseas education/research institutions or companies (as research workers). 
It aims to help early-career researchers who have obtained their degrees at the University cultivate 
their research capabilities within the network of researchers at the University’s research centers, etc., 
and to facilitate the acquisition of their subsequent career posts. The program also attempts to nurture human resources 
who will become core researchers at the University in the future, and who will be able to play an active role while involving other researchers.

We would like to inform you that application for the following
Advanced Research Program is now available.

AY2023 Early-career Researcher Development Program

<Application Period>
Wednesday, October 5 and Thursday, December 1, 2022

For more information, please refer to the following website.

Thank you for your attention.

08.01, 2022

Notice of Office Closure during summer break

Notice of Office Closure during summer break

Our office will be closed from August 11 to 17 for summer vacation.

We will respond to inquiries received during the above period on or after August 18.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

07.19, 2022

2021 KOKUSAITEKI/KOKUNAI Research Grant Report

We post the submitted posters of research reports conducted with the support of research grant programs in the below sites. Please have a look.

The number of each recipient in 2021 is as below.

   KOKUSAITEKI Research Grant: 5

   KENKYUKAI-KATSUDO Grant: 13 groups

   KOKUNAI Research Grant: 0 

◆ KOKUSAITEKI Research Grant (Research Report)



◆ KENKYUKAI -KATSUDO Grant (Posters written in Japanese only)

06.17, 2021

2020 KOKUSAITEKI/KOKUNAI Research Fund Report

We post the submitted posters of research reports conducted with the support of research fund programs below. Please have a look.
(Only the posters written in English are posted in this page)

The number of each recipient in 2020 is as below.
   KOKUSAITEKI Research Fund: 1
   KOKUNAI Research Fund: 1
   KENKYUKAI-KATSUDO Grant: 13 groups

◆ KOKUSAITEKI Research Fund (Posters written in English only)

Prediction of Microvascular Invasion in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Based on Radiomics and Deep Learning Using MRI 

◆ KOKUNAI Research Fund (Posters written in English only)

“Indonesian Migrant Workers in Japan: Internship Trainees (Gaikokujin Kenshusei Seido) Program, Recruitment Process and Personal Dreams”

Posters of KENKYUKAI -KATSUDO Grant written in Japanese can be checked in the below site.

12.22, 2020

Notification and Request regarding the change of Ri-SEARCH(for Doctoral Students)

To those who are using Ri-SEARCH,

This is a very important notification regarding Ri-SEARCH.
Ri-SEARCH will be changed from April, 2021.
-To prepare an application form for GAKKAI-Scholarship and register your Research Achievements data can be done by the end of February, 2021. Please be sure to complete registration and entering the data in February.
(Research Achievements data which you enter by the end of February, 2021 will be reflected to the new Ri-SEARCH)
-Please note that you CANNOT log in the current Ri-SEARCH nor refer to the data entered in the current Ri-SEARCH after March 2021.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you, but we would greatly appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

 Ri-SEARCH(Ritsumeikan University Search Engine of Academic Record and Career History of Young Researchers 立命館大学若手研究者学術・キャリア情報検索システム)

Deadline for entering data in the current Ri-SEARCH:
 By 23:59 on Sunday, February 28, 2021
 ※The data entered after March 1, 2021 will NOT be reflected to the new Ri-SEARCH.
Date of starting new Ri-SEARCH operation:
 From 13:00 on Thursday, April 1, 2021
 ※Entering new Ri-SEARCH can be allowed from the time above.
  You can continue registering and disclosing your research achievements, and using the function of preparing application forms for each scholarships and grants.
   The details will be informed later.

 You cannot log in the current Ri-SEARCH after March, 2021. The data entered in the current Ri-SEARCH will be discarded after data transfer. In addition, the URL of the website which introduces each research achievements will be changed. Those who use this URL need to check the new URL and replace it from the current one to the new one after new Ri-SEARCH operates.

08.03, 2020

Notice of Office closure.

Our office will be closed from August 8 to 16 for summer vacation.
We will respond to inquiries received during the above period on or after August 17.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.