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Report|2022 Fall Semester Training Held for Newly Recruited SSP Peer Supporters

On Thursday, September 1, 2022, we held a training session for our new SSP Peer Supporters! This training is held every semester to help all new peer supporters acquire the knowledge and attitude necessary to work as an SSP Peer Supporter.
During the training, a variety of lectures and group work were conducted, and participants learned how to prepare themselves mentally to be SSP Peer Supporters. In addition, they listened to the successes and failures of senior peers to get an idea of what it is like to work as an SSP Peer Supporter.
After the training, the new members immediately joined their senior peers and participated in peer support activities. They were very active at the student consultation meetings held at each campus in late September.
Please look forward to future student consultation meetings and events run by the SSP Peer Supporters, who have become even more powerful with the addition of their new members!

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